Chapter 9

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Jr sat in his cell above the water as thought about all that had happened, the cell gates opened and so he got up and went to the gym like everyone else, in there he saw the rest of the suicide sqaud aswell as harley and deadshot in the boxing ring, he walked over to the ring as he grabbed a large dumbell marked "250 kilos" he began doing curls with it as harley looked at him

Harley"if you can live that I ain't messing with ya"

Floyd"same here"jr simply grunted as he blankly stared forward thinking about school, about tokage and his friends he snapped out of his thoughts when deadshot tapped his shoulder


Floyd" you okay, look tense"

Jr"im fine I just....why am I here?"

Floyd" waller wanted you, what waller wants waller gets, there's something else ain't there"jr sighed as he placed the dumbell down as he sighed

Jr"you know I go to ua right, well there's this.... Person their that I care for"floyd chuckled as he stretched and harley leaned against the side of the ring

Floyd"you know outside I got a daughter, she's the only thing that keeps me going"

Harley"i got my parents and my family, I can't wait for the day that prove those shit heads wrong, HA HA!!"

Jr" your point"

Floyd"our point is we all have someone out there waiting for us, weather it be a friend or a rival, there's always someone keep them in your mind it helps, just cause we're criminals don't mean we ain't loved"jr slightly chuckled at that last part he crossed his as he sighed and looked at floyd

Jr"thanks, I been stressed the last couple weeks"he let out a loud sigh as he looked at the ceiling

Harley"your dad woulda liked ya"

Jr"you met him!?"harley chuckled as did floyd the two looked at him as floyd sat down on a bench

Floyd" yeah, pretty nice guy for a crocodile"

Jr"what was he like?"

Harley"big, brave, scary, strong, big"

Floyd"he was a character that was for sure, after his girl got pregnant with you he did everything in his power to make sure you had a good life"

Jr"who was my mom? I knew her quirk but never really met her"

Floyd" no clue, doctor moon I think could be wrong"

Harley"pretty sure I saw her all cozy with flag"jr sat down as he groaned a bit

Floyd"you good"

Jr"those damn darts, did something to my damn neck, don't even know how"

Floyd"titanium darts, strong things"jr rubbed the back of his neck, his gaze shot up as an alarm went off

Harley"work time!"

Jr" wait what?"

Floyd" we got a mission"floyd and harley led jr into a large meeting room in the room was Amanda waller, some guards, Rick flag and a bald guy covered in tattoos

Amanda"your all going to a small place outside the city, a little test for you all and your new teamate"the screen behind her showed large zoo Park which had been abandoned, and destroyed by time

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Amanda"your all going to a small place outside the city, a little test for you all and your new teamate"the screen behind her showed large zoo Park which had been abandoned, and destroyed by time

Rick"we belive there's a Villian in the park, your mission is to find them and either kill them or capture"

Floyd"who's the villain?"

Amanda" we don't know, but we know there in there, you leave in ten"

Ten minutes later

Jr crouched in a large truck, in front of him stood floyd harley and a guy he now knew as diablo, the ride was long dark bumpy and silent, they soon reached there, the zoo park was big and abandon

Floyd"where do we start?"

Rick" excellent question, kraven jr got any scents"

Kraven"i smell something to the south"

Jr"i smell something to the north"rick sighed as he looked around

Rick"floyd, harley and jr go to the north, kraven, me, and diablo will go to the south"the two teams went different ways, jr floyd and harley came across a large pool filled with a thicc dark green sludge

Harley"what is that?"

Floyd" fucking stinks!"jr kneeled down as he sniffed the water before covering his nose

Jr" fucks sake"he stumbled back as he looked at the sludge

Harley"what now"

Jr"thats not water"a part of the sludge trusted into the air as it then slammed down on Jr's tail holding him in place, another clump of the sludge rose from the pool as it morphed into a humanoid form with yellow eyes and red irisis

Jr"thats not water"a part of the sludge trusted into the air as it then slammed down on Jr's tail holding him in place, another clump of the sludge rose from the pool as it morphed into a humanoid form with yellow eyes and red irisis

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SLUDGE"DAMN! THOUGHT I COULD GET AWAY WITH THAT SPOT!"floyd shot at it as harley batted a grenade at it they both had zero effect as the Villian laughed and began seeping into Jr's mouth

Floyd" what the hells it doing!!"

SLUDGE" YOUR SCALES ARE PRACTICALLY INVULNERABLE, YOU'LL BE A BRILLIANT HOST!"jr began to claw at the sludge as it seeped inside him

South Side of the park

Rick flag, kraven and diablo walked into a zoo area the main attraction of the area was a large metal cage a fake habitat, it was a large Cave with fake grass and trees and resembled a boreal forest

Kraven"i smell the prey somwhere"kraven took out his spear as he listend

Diqblo"dont like this Amigo, getting a bad Sentimiento"the group looked at the cage as a large creature strolled out, it had purple skin red eyes, sharp fangs with an exposed brain, it had black shorts and cuts all over its body

Diqblo"dont like this Amigo, getting a bad Sentimiento"the group looked at the cage as a large creature strolled out, it had purple skin red eyes, sharp fangs with an exposed brain, it had black shorts and cuts all over its body

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The creature looked at them before charging, Rick shit at it as the bullets seemed to have no effect, the creature stopped as it slammed against the wall of the ache being to big to fit in the gap

Diablo"was that the damn Vilain?"

Kraven" no..... That is a wolf I smell it'd stench"

Rick"when your done sniffing wolf can you help us find the actual villain"kraven and diablo followed flag into an underground area witch had been clawed open by something, they stepped through the underground hallway, the walls were windows to an aquarium, although they couldn't see inside as the water was to murky

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