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It's a pretty exciting day for y/n, you get your school supplies into your backpack, getting your hair, outfit everything ready to go on your first day as a High School Senior.

"Y/n.... are you ready?" your mom asks while she's at the living room waiting for you, while you start to packing your stuff into your backpack.

"I'm coming mom!" you said rushing down the stairs. when you finally got downstairs, your mom speaks in a surprised tone "Oh y/n, you really are ready!" You make eye contact to her and you start telling her "I mean... I'm super excited! I get to learn new things and meet up with my friends and... maybe met new ones!"

Your mom could really tell that you're super excited about going, " Well y/n... I'm glad to hear that!"but for some reason, you can tell that she could say something that could bright up your day more.

"Okay y/n... I'm about to tell you something that could make your day even better!" She says while your looking at her, which you're taller than her. "OMG! what is it?" you showed a lot of excitement into yourself even though you didn't know what was she going to say.

"Y/n..." she says looking at you " Yes?" you said sarcastically. Your mom finally starts to speak up and tell you the "great news" "You're going to see a old Friend!"

You start squealing with excitement " A OLD FRIEND!" But then you start realizing that you might not know anything such as a "old friend". " wait... old friend?" you questioned her looking confused.

"Oh y/n" she says looking down sort of disappointed, but just from you not knowing who was your old friend.

" You can't tell me you forgot about him!" She says.

" I don't remember having a old friend" you said in a worried tone of voice. Then you started asking            

" who was it?"

Your mom holds your hands and starts telling you,     " S-Soobin.... it's Soobin" you start repeating the name in your head to see if you remembered someone named "Soobin"

" are you sure you don't remember him?" She questions

"Soobin, Soobin, Soobin" your trying to get a memory from this person in your head.

Until you finally remembered him, You start gasping and stare at her

" Wait... SOOBIN?!" You surprisingly said looking at her unhappy.

"Umm... yes y/n" she says crossing her arm's
" No... I-I" you start getting you self down remembering him " Y/n what's wrong?" she questions

"No mom" you said looking down at her, "That was like what... 8th grade? we're not friends anymore!" You we're so upset from remembering him, and it even made your so called about to be "perfect" day into a "worst" day.

Your mom started looking at you worried from how upset you are, "Hey y/n... don't forget about school"

"But... please don't tell me that he's going to the same school" you said looks down and being all stressed. "I'm sorry y/n... he is" she says.   

" His parents moved in here again... but in a different house in this neighborhood"
"But I don't get why aren't you happy about this"

she says seating down at the couch " Why?"

You start explaining " Look... this was like when we were 13 year olds at his house, but It's was something small and made both of us mad"

Your mom starts staring at you "come on y/n! That was a long time!" She says

"Okay... how about you start meeting up with him at school? And maybe y'all two can be friends again" she says.

"Umm... no thanks that will be awkward" you said getting up at the couch and went to the front door.

"Look y/n... His parents are going to be here today for dinner" She says standing up and looking at you

"What? Your serious mom?!" You said

"Yes and you better promise that you two will be friends" she says pointing with her index finger at you.

"Mom? Please tell me that your playing with me" you said looking at her with a stressful face

"Oh y/n... everything is going to be alright, trust me" she says putting her hands into your shoulders
"Fine I'll try" you said "oh I better get going!" you start holding the door knob

She kisses your forehand and let's you go
"Bye y/n!"

"Bye mom!" You responded

After hearing the news about your "old friend" moving in again, you start remembering the great moments you had with him while walking to school.
then starting to think that you can start over and be friends with him just like before.

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