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As y'all four wait for Taehyun, you wanted to start a conversation between each other. But then you realize that school has already started, you start getting up and get shocked.

"Guy's class has already started! I better get..." you pause as Beomgyu speaks "Don't worry y/n" then yeonjun starts speaking " It's alright... and it's the first day btw" he says

"Uh.. y/n you were the one that said to wait for him and now you want to leave?" HueningKai questions looking at you curious with one eyebrow raised up.

Then a random voice interrupted the conversation, and it was heard outside the school building.

" Hey!" After hearing it, y'all realize that it was Taehyun.

"Oh it's Taehyun" Yeonjun says

"Hey Taehyun!" You say waving your arm so he can notice you.

Taehyun finally gets to be with y'all and starts speaking "I'm sorry guys I really woke up late" he says.

you start to talk to him "It's alright Taehyun"

Yeonjun start putting his left hand to Taehyun's right shoulder "Don't worry about it, at least you made it to school" .

"Thanks for waiting, now we better get to class" Taehyun start getting through the school's front doors as we also go and follow him through the entrance.

As the rest of us finally get to class, you finally could get to yours, as you walk in the schools hallways and seeing other Freshman's getting confused on what class their going. You start opening your first period classroom door and walk through, while you were walking through you noticed someone familiar.

You couldn't get your eyes off of this person, until the teacher called on you " hey, let me see your schedule"

You handed out you schedule to your teacher, "Y/n?" The teacher's asks you, "Uh.. yes" you responded.

"Alright have a seat" teacher says, you start searching of a empty seat, you realize that there was only one empty desk but it that desk was next to that person who you thought they looked familiar, you quickly realized, it was Soobin.

You start gasping until you noticed him looking at you, It was so embarrassing. Asking yourself why did you gasp and especially front of your "old friend".

Students start looking at you very odd, but you look away and quickly sit down at you desk. You can tell Soobin's eyes were looking at you.

You start looking at him, he looks away. the only thing you were thinking about is how embarrassing  seeing him next to you.

You start listening to the Teacher teaching about rules and expectations at the classroom, until you were bothered with some girls sitting at desks to the back of the classroom. which its pretty obvious that they talking about the boy sitting at the left side of you.

But you weren't really bothered by them talking about him, or maybe a little.

Even if some students we're interrupting, you still stayed focused on class. then you shivered your shoulders when the second bell ranged.

You start opening your eyes really wide and pack up your bag to go to second period.

After finally getting to go to your fist five classes, you get to go to lunch and see Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and HueningKai. All four of you could finally talk to each other after having class.

"Okay first of all... this summer break felt so short" HueningKai says trying to start a conversation.

"Literally!"  the three of us said.

"I can't even believe that we all made it to our senior year" Yeonjun stated.

"I didn't even had time to start my plans" Beomgyu says with quite a furious tone.

"Uh really?" you questioned

"Yeah... I had somewhat plan's but I actually had to work a lot during the break"  he responds. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that Beomgyu" Yeonjun responds.

"No wonder why you respond late when we start texting each other" you mentioned.

"Hey y'all better not tell me that Taehyun isn't coming" HueningKai mentions Taehyun not being with them at lunch.

"Wait... he isn't here with us?" you start looking around the cafeteria. "Umm y/n... you barely realized?" Yeonjun asked. You start looking a bit confused "B-But I thought..."

"Y/n is really blind..." HueningKai mumbled to him self.

Y/n had an unclear face "Uh? Anyways... where can he be?"

"I don't know... he do be acting suspicious tho" Beomgyu says. "Beomgyu... Maybe it's because he was late" you responded. "But that doesn't mean that he's suspicious".

Yeonjun quickly cuts in "Y/n ....". You start looking at him "What Yeonjun?" you answered. He point at Y/n's back to show them.

Y/n quickly turns and see's the spot where the rest of the guy's see.

Seeing Taehyun but he's unconsciously with Soobin.

You couldn't even say a word, just sit there looking. questioning yourself why is Taehyun with him?

I finally finished three chapters! This fanfic might not be so fascinating but I could use some more learning on my typing[writing] skills😥
Thanks for reading the first three chapters from my first interesting fanfic.

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