special needs | jeno

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you smiled and sat beside jeno, watching him study

you peered over and he was learning sign language

he looked at you and signed i love you

you smiled and hugged him, kissing his cheek

" did i do well? was it correct? " he asks

you smiled and nodded

you wrote on the paper

" but you don't have to learn sign, i can hear just can't speak~ "

" no i wanna learn it so we can sign together " he hugs your waist

you smiled and hugged him, he was so thoughtful

you were born a mute baby, but you thought it was special

you wished school could teach everyone sign language so you could communicate without writing

you met jeno in math class, he helped you a lot


you and jeno were on the train, it was a little bit packed so you were were quite separated

he kept looking over at you to check if you were okay

you signed to him that you were okay, jeno could understand some basic terms

at another stop, many people got off the train, jeno walked over towards you again

some other people got on the train and it was packed again

you felt someone touch your waist and you flinched, seeing a man

jeno noticed and moved you behind so he could shield you from the strangers

you smiled and backhugged him snuggling into your boyfriend



you gasped and shook your head, signing that you weren't able to speak

but of course he doesn't understand

" FUCKING TALK! " he yelled

you flinched and whimpered slightly

" what's the problem here? "

you looked over and saw jeno

you both worked in the café together, and some customers aren't very patient

" this fucking girl messed up my order! " the man slammed his hand on the table

jeno explained the situation and tried to fix the issue

the customer eventually walks away, after feeling a little more satisfied

jeno sighed as you held his hand

" are you okay? " he stroked your hair

you nodded and smiled, eventhough you felt like crying because that man yelled at you

" just forget about that guy alright? " jeno says

you nodded and made his drink, serving it to him with an apology note

" why'd you apologise ? he was in the wrong " jeno says

you shook your head and signed forgiveness

" he's hard headed and stubborn, don't ever forgive people like him okay? " jeno says

you smiled and ruffled his hair, nodding to him

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