birthday | Jaemin

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you woke up and looked at your calendar on the wall of your bedroom, its jaemin's birthday today

you turned around wanting to hug him but he wasn't there, you checked your phone and saw that he had texted you


i have to go get my hair bleached today~ i'll be home by 10pm

you frowned and closed your phone, you wanted to give him a kiss before he left for his schedule but he isn't there

" y/n~ " jeno knocked on your door

" ye jeno ah " you got up and wore a random shirt to answer the door

" hi~ sorry, did i wake you up? " he apologises

" nono its okay i was already awake " you smile

" we were gonna all go grab brunch later, do you wanna join? we're eating near SM " jeno points to chenle, jisung and renjun on the couch

" oh! sure of course, what time? " you ask

" we'll leave at 11 " he looks at his watch

" oh okay i'll go get ready now, thanks for inviting me haha " you smiled

" no problem~ " he smiled and walked to join the 3 on the couch

you closed the door and you got ready, you wore simply clothes and put jaemin's gift in your pocket just in case if you bump into him

you don't wanna text him and distract him so you'll just wait until he calls or.. if he does call

time went by and you finish eating with the dreamies, they went to take some dance class and you went back to the dorm

when you arrived in your room, you locked the door and took off all your clothes but kept your underwear on, you try to find one of jaemin's shirt to wear since you missed him

you pulled a big white tee shirt out from his wardrobe and wore it, you took a picture of yourself in the mirror and kept it in your photo gallery

you spent the rest of the day by yourself until jaemin comes home

the bedroom got dark suddenly as time passed so fast, it is now 8pm and you forgot to turn on the lights

" oh shit " you reach for the lights and switched it on

you went to take a shower and played pubg until he came home from his schedule, you laid in bed as your eye focused on your game

you checked the time and it was already 9:45, you unlocked the door and waited for him to get home by playing more games

" YAH! " jaemin yells

you purposely ignored him and continued your game

" yah!!!! you didn't wish me a happy birthday yet! " he puts his backpack down and got between you and your cell phone

" baby, why are you ignoring me? " he pouts and stares at your lips

you turned your phone off and hugged him

" i missed you " you said to him

" oh~~ you missed your oppa? " he laughs into your shoulder

" happy birthday " you said quiet enough for him to hear you

" huh? " he asks

" happy birthday~ " you kiss him

" is it my birthday today? i thought you didn't know that " he teases and laughs while you kiss him

you both stay kissing and enjoying each other's presence since you both didn't see each other for the whole day

" my hair is blonde now, but it will be dyed to another colour tomorrow " he tells you

" i kinda like your blonde hair " you tell him

" i think you like every colour that i do, you liked pink, blue, grey, blonde with blue bangs " he counts them down

" well~ they all look good on you " you shrugged and smiled

" they do? " he nuzzles his nose with you and smiles

you nodded and you both share a sweet kiss together

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! " jisung and the rest comes into you and jaemin's room with a cake and a lit candle

" what! " jaemin sat up and looked at them

you smiled at his cute reaction, everyone claps as the song ended and jaemin blew out the candle

" wow~ " he said

" jisung bought the cake himself " renjun said

" omg my lovely jisunggie~~ " he squeezes his cheeks

" whatever this is boring i wanna play pubg " jisung sets the cake down and gave jaemin his present in a cool way then left

" wahh~~ JISUNG !!! " jaemin cheered as he unwrapped the present that looked like clothing

he unwrapped it and saw an expensive but cute hoodie

" we all bought you something " chenle said

chenle gave him new airpods, renjun gave him a handwritten letter, jeno gave him a hat and jisung gave him a hoodie

" where's your present? " jaemin looks at you

" oh! " you stood up to go find it

you handed him a little box

" wow~ " he said as he unwrapped it

it was two necklaces with a boy bunny and a girl bunny

he gasped at the cute design, you took it out and helped him wear the necklace

" the boy is you, the girl is me " you said innocently

" awww~~~ come here " jaemin hugs you and places ticklish kisses all over your face and neck

" aite we'll leave you two alone, happy birthday jaemin! " jeno said to jaemin and the boys left the room

" do you like it? " you ask him

" i love it!! " he said happily

" i designed these, they took forever to make " you smiled

" im never gonna take them off now, and you shouldn't take them off too okay? " he tells you

" okay, happy birthday nana " you said cutely causing him to kiss you all over again



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