boy best friends | Nomin x you

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" he stood me up " you sighed

jaemin exchanged jeno a look

" look around you, there are many people who would like to take you out on a date " jeno tries to lighten the mood

" we were supposed to go to the carnival " you sniffled

jaemin stood up, not liking the view of his crying friend

" i'll bring you to the carnival, me and jeno are your rental boyfriends for the day " jaemin held your hand

you didn't even budge and kept frowning in your seat

" i don't have money for rental " you took another shot

jeno glared at jaemin

" we'll be your boyfriends for the day, 24 hours " jeno smiled

you felt so numb and empty

" come on " jaemin grabbed your waist

jeno grabbed your purse and followed jaemin


you threw the dart with a frown, grabbing another dart from the basket jaemin was holding

jeno sighed.. if he ever saw the guy who stood you up, he'd beat him into pulp

" i'll win this for you, then you stop whining about some shitty man " jeno grabbed the tray and started to pop the balloons on the wall

jaemin smiled as jeno hit 4 in a row, he just needed one more

" y/n, tiger or unicorn " jeno asks

" tiger " you say

jeno threw the last one and a loud siren rang

you flinched at the loud sound and jaemin hugs you

" yayyyy " jaemin cheers

jeno asks for the tiger and handed the stuffed animal to you

you looked at the cute stuffie, it was almost bigger than you

" thank you " you tell him

he smiled and pinched your cheek

" c'mon~ it's not worth it to cry over stupid people " he says

jaemin nodded along

" let's go make dalgona ~ i wanna try " jaemin exclaimed

jeno huffed and handed jaemin his wallet

" yess! " jaemin cheered

you smiled at his enthusiasm

" turtle turtle! " jaemin exclaimed

you gasped as you pulled the cookie cutter away

" I GOT IT!! " you exclaimed

they both shot their heads to you and saw you with a cute turtle candy

" teach me y/n ah " jaemin begs

" just use less baking thing " you tell him

jaemin tries again and jeno keeps watching

" YEA ! " jaemin got a turtle design

" am i the only boyfriend here " jeno asks

you handed jeno your candy

" thanks for the tiger " you tell him

" all good, i'm your boyfriend after all " he shrugs

" i'm her boyfriend too " jaemin glared

" you're both my boyfriends okay " you put your arm around them

they both came to an agreement and stopped argueing

" let's try the space game~ " you pulled on their arms

they both followed you from behind, walking towards the next game



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