Chapter 6 (Deku)

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Deku stares out at the tower filled horizon with glassy eyes, the setting sun filling the sky with pinks and oranges. Standing on the small wall around the edge of the building roof, he closes his eyes. The slight breeze ruffles his hair, causing it to tickle against his forehead.

He's so tired. Tired of it all.

Why does no one believe in him? Not even his own mother does. The person he always looked up to the most tells him to go die, his classmates and teachers laugh at his dreams. . . There is not a single person who doesn't tell him he can't do it. Not a single person who doesn't look down on him.

He opens his eyes and looks out to the city below. Racing cars, dots of people walking about their day carefree, lights flashing on as the night grows closer.

An explosion sounds through the air, catching Deku's attention. Sirens ring through the night and black smoke grows in the distance. Hero's from all around start running through the streets towards the commotion, shouting as they go.

Instinctively, Deku jumps off the ledge and reaches for his bag. But he stops as his fingers wrap around the straps. What's the point? It's not like he can help. It's like Kacchan always says, he's just a quirkless nerd who can't do anything.

Deku lets go of his bag and turns back to the view.

I'll just get in everyone's way.

He watches as the smoke slowly grows bigger and bigger. More sirens fill his ears and less and less people crowd the streets as they migrate to newest villain fight.

Deku bunches his fists, scowling at the world around him. I should just give up on this stupid dream.

"Whachya doing?"

"Hm?" Deku tears his eyes away and looks behind him.

A blond-haired girl in a tan school uniform is staring at him, her hand behind her back. "You aren't going to check out what's going on?"

Deku narrows his eyes. You aren't either so why do you care about what I do? "What's the point," he says rather coldly.

"I don't know," the girl says, cocking her head to the side. "I just figured all kids like you were interested in that stuff to become a pro hero."

"Don't go assuming that sort of stuff about people you don't know. And what about you? Why aren't you over there?"

The girl walks over and jumps on the ledge, walking along it with her arms spread wide for balance as she hums as if thinking. "Not interested I guess," she finally says. She walks past Deku a few steps then jumps back down. "We're the same like that," she adds with a smile.

Deku looks down at her words. The same? Yeah right. How are they the same? She may not be interested in becoming a hero and he may be done with that foolish dream but. . . the chances of her being like him. . . She can be whoever she wants to. She can be strong, make a name for herself, have any dream she wants.

"What," the girl bends over and looks at Deku, her head hanging to the side. "don't tell me you do want to be a hero?"

"Of course I want to. But it's not that simple."

"Why not-hang on, do you not have a quirk?"

Deku shrinks, bringing his shoulders up as he winces. "Go on," he says. "what are you waiting for? Laugh."

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