2: Kelsi or Gabriella?

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

The trio found themselves sitting side by side, Y/n being in the middle of the two boys, in the cafeteria at lunch time. Up ahead of them, stood her sister with her boyfriend, EJ Caswell, his arms wrapped around her shoulders, Ricky's eyes burning into them.

"Dude, are you seeing this?" Big Red asks.

"I'm seeing it, I'm hearing it, I'm hating it." Ricky replies.

"I can't believe it. She's dating EJ Caswell." Big Red observes, making Y/n pinch the tip of her nose, shutting her e/c eyes.

She loves the boy like a brother, but sometimes he doesn't think before talking, or never knows when to stop talking.

"Yes. I have eyes." Ricky grunts.

"I mean, co-captain of the water polo team." Big Red continues, taking a piece of food from Ricky's tray.

"Yep." Ricky nods.

"Senior class treasurer." Big Red reminds.

"That's correct." Ricky agrees.

"I mean, what are the odds that the guy she hooks up with at camp goes to East High?" Big Red questions.

"Apparently, the odds are exceptionally good." Ricky bursts out.

"I'm sorry, dude. What are you gonna do?" Big Red asks.

"I don't know. No offense, but the one person I go to for advice is currently on her honeymoon in the cafeteria." Ricky observes.

Instantly, Y/n feels a pang in her chest at his words as she drops her fork on her tray, looking down at the table. Ricky noticed how down she looked as his eyes went to her, Big Red following in suit. Ignoring their curious stares, the h/c girl stood to her feet, grabbing her bag before picking up her tray.

"I'll see you guys later." Y/n murmurs as she walks off, not caring if they heard or not.

Ricky watches as the girl throws her trash away before walking out of the cafeteria, hands in pockets. Immediately, Ricky felt bad and felt dumb for saying that, knowing she was there for him a lot this summer and he always went to her for comfort and advice, Nini doing the same. Y/n didn't blame him, though. She knows he was currently frustrated, she just couldn't help but feel like it's always going to be Nini first and she'll always just be a ghost to him.


Y/n and Nini sit side by side at a table with their grandmother, the three of them playing Uno together after school. Ricky had texted Y/n, asking if she got home okay, like he always did. She just replied with a short "yeah" and that was it. She still felt a little down from earlier, but tried to not show it.

Her grandma, however, immediately noticed how down she was when her and Nini walked in.

"Alright, your turn, Grandma." Nini instructs.

"So, how was your girls first day back?" Their Grandmother asks.

"Oh, we got a new drama teacher." Nini informs. "She announced the musical and there's this part that I really, really want."

High School Musical: The Series (Ricky Bowen X Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now