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A/N: play this song :)

20 years ago...

"What do you think about her ?"

"Are we sure we want her to be a she?"

"Maybe she can be attracted to him..."

Manya Katz Chernyshevsky

Experiment 1.0

Mastered to be a replica of the winter soldier and captain America but stronger, the continuous experiment is going to be assigned to the scientist Allesandro Ricci, he shall take care of her while she is a toddler and teach her the basics, he can NOT tell her she is part of this experiment otherwise hell immediately be executed and erased from Hydra

False biography

Manya was born in Russia Moscow on March 9, 1998-

"Wait wait but we are on 1996"

"dummy she's is being created in that tube right there"

"ah yes yes"

-her mother died while giving birth and the rest of her family is dead the only member close to her, her grandpa decides to adopt her, and ...

"Gentlemen I hope you have chosen a scientist to take care of her"

"Yes, S we have"

"Great, is the soldier back from his mission?" The winter soldier feared by many people our top spy and assassin


"ask him to come here"

Minutes later the winter soldier joined us, he entered the room looking as confident as he is. He flashed his eyes across the room examining it

"Remember the little project I mentioned you ?"

"yes, what about it?"

"Well since it's going to be your replica maybe you can play with her genetics a little"

"You mean..."

"Yes you can customize her"

The winter soldier accepted the offer he requested lime bright eyes and brunette hair

2 years later...

"S we are finally finished"

"Excellent work agent N!"

The agent opened a large container full of water pulling out a baby with bright lime eyes and brunette hair as requested, passing it to S

"I couldn't do this without you agent N" before the agent could respond S pulled out a gun from his pocket shooting him straight in the head, the agent fell to the floor, dirtying the floor with his blood

S went with Allesandro Ricci, the new 'family' of Manya, the deal was when Manya turned 8 she would be returned to Hydra and Allesandro would have to fake his death, S gave them the best apartment in Russia, modern and expensive

4 years later

It was Manya 4th birthday, her grandpa was preparing a delicious chocolate cake (her favorite)

Allesandro had to come up with a plan to save Manya from her future, even tho they weren't real family, he felt like he needed to protect her, for this a month ago he asked his brother that lived in the USA to help him and his grandniece.

He gracefully accepted, Allesandro then bought 2 plane tickets to get the hell out of Russia

"Hey, Nonno! what are you thinking about ?"

"nothing dear let's go have a slice of your cake, I made it just for you"

The both of them enjoyed a big slice of cake, Allesandro had to be careful with his next words

"Hey, dear have you ever thought of traveling?"

"I would love to travel Nonno"

"Then you are going to love my surprise" Allesandro pulled 2 plane tickets from his pocket the destination, New York.

Manya screamed with joy the both of them went to their bedrooms to pack, Allesandro helped Manya pack her suitcase

"I have another surprise for you"

"Another? this is the best day ever!"

Allesandro pulled a little red flocked box from his pocket revealing a star gold pendant, he carefully placed it on Manya's neck

"Do you like it?"

"I love it" they both hugged, a tear fell down Allesandro's cheek hoping Manya wouldn't notice

"But why a star?"

"because your name means star of the ocean, and you are my star and will always have a place on my heart"

a loud sound interrupted the beautiful moment, Allesandro went to check it out grabbing a gun from his cupboard on his way

"You thought I wouldn't notice A?"

"Notice what?"

"That you are trying to save her"

"You are talking craziness S, I would never betray you"

"LIAR! You know I hate liars"

"I am not lying"

Allesandro pulled out his gun pointing it at S, before he could shoot him,a bullet passed his head falling to the floor and pouring all the blood onto the floor

Manya came running just to find her grandpa on the floor dead, the blood touched her shoes making her scream with fear but before she could do anything a tranquilizer hit her leg making her fall to the ground.

And just like that Manya was kidnapped by Hydra, trained to be the most elite assassin.

But S wanted more, he wanted her to be stronger, crazier, more powerful, so he started experimenting with her for his luck the experiment was successful, he created a super soldier that could turn invisible.

On the other hand, she wasn't so lucky, the color of her bright lime eyes started to fade till they turned a bright white, her mental health was at the board happiness didn't exist for her anymore, she was just a weapon now.

S noticed this and assigned the winter soldier to be her protector, her friend... This was the worst decision S made in his whole fuckin life.


A/N: oop- I switched to third person in this chapter lol, anyways I just wanted to thank all of you for the support <3.

Have an amazing week

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