Twenty-six (what happened last night? Pt 2)

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Wanda POV

"Guys I am concerned about Vison, why is he just floating there?"

"Maybe we should leave it there, he's probably recharging or something like that" Peter said

what are we supposed to do, this is so boring

"So we can't shower, Vision is some kind of dead, and we barely have a hoodie on, what do y'all propose?" I said in an optimist and cheerful way

The both of them stood silent looking at each other, I rolled my eyes and smiled

"What if I read your minds?" I suggested

Scott POV

After the little chat we all had, Steve and Natasha decided to go sleep again.

Clint and I got to know each other, we talked about all kinds of things.


And so on

Natasha POV

"Do you think it is worth it?" Steve asked while he played with my hair

"What's worth it?" I asked

"The Manya plan, do we really have to put a kid up to this?" Steve kept playing with my hair

"She's not a kid, she's an assassin. We shouldn't even be this nice with her" I said turning away from Steve

Bucky POV

"But like what if I screw up our  'relationship' " quotes on that not to mention

"You barely talk to the girl, but either way you like her" Sam replied

"Have I told you two that I already knew her?"

T' Challa and Sam's face changed instantly, they looked at each other for a few seconds and then looked back at me

"So like... Have you kissed her?" T'Challa asked

"Yes but that's not the point, the point is that she doesn't remember me, she didn't even know who I was when she arrived"

It kinda sad that she doesn't remember me, we've been together in our most difficult moments. Always supporting each other, just being there together

"Why don't you tell her this?" Sam said

"Maybe you two are meant to be," T'Challa said

Tony POV


If he doesn't shut up in the next five minutes, personally I am going to kill him

"Can you shut up? We just need to be here till 9 pm" I said as I tried to pick the lock

"Stark I do not intend to be rude or anything, but when did we start to corrupt kids?" Rhodes asked

"Who are you talking about? Manya? She's not a kid, she's an assassin. And we are not corrupting her" Bruce tried to explain himself, Rhodes didn't look convinced with that answer

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