Chapter 12- Confliction

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The doors to the grand stables opened upon Godbrand's arrival, the viking heading inside with you by his side, and multiple other vampires and generals following him. "Drinking fucking pig blood? Fuck no!" He yelled, infuriated, speaking loudly to his fellow generals. He turned toward the first demonic horse to his left, you turning with him in perfect synchrony, but waiting behind as he approached the horse. "We are the generals of the court of Vlad Dracula Tepes." You waited by one of the gates as Godbrand turned back towards the generals, making his speech. "We deserve a proper fucking drink!" You waited while Godbrad saddled his horse, the man continuing his rant. Many of the generals' eyes were on Godbrand, but many of them were also tossing curious glances to you. "The map says there's a town 20 miles away from here. They will never see us coming, and fuck them if they do!" Godbrand heaved himself up onto the horse. "Tonight, we feed." He announced with a smirk, looking from the generals to you as he nudged the horse forwards, holding his hand out for you to take. You took it without question, hopping onto the horse behind him.

"Why is Dracula's child coming with us?" One of the generals questioned as the rest went to saddle their horses. He raised a brow, smirking as your heart beat out of your chest. "You haven't heard?" The general shook her head. "They've been turned." All of the generals froze upon the reveal as they looked at you, unable to keep themselves from their curiosity. Due to your cloak hiding your features, they couldn't confirm or deny his statement, but they took his word for it anyway.

As they stared you started to panic somewhat, clinging to one of the straps on his back in search of comfort. The fact that your mask still hung at your hip after your conversation with Isaac didn't do much for comfort. Upon noticing your discomfort, he growled at the staring men and women. "Come on- are we going to fucking feed or not?!" He yelled at the generals, getting them to stop staring and complete saddling up their horses. "Thank you." You whispered, only to get a quiet grumble back. Once all of the generals had a horse, Godbrand reared back his own, taking the lead down the path as the horses galloped toward the town.

By the time you arrived a snow storm began to brew, and large flakes of ice fluttered down from the heavens in a cold flurry. But for some reason you still felt warm. While you wore a cloak, you were not exactly dressed for incredibly snowy weather, and nor were you using any sort of magic to keep yourself warm. You simply felt numb to the cold. As the town came into view, Godbrand drew his sword, grinning as he sped up and you clutched to him to keep from falling off. His smile turned to laughter as he drew closer, leaving the forest and almost immediately bursting through the walls of one of the straw houses. Two children shot out of their beds, backing away with terror in their eyes. Godbrand stopped before them as you kept yourself hidden, unable to tear your eyes from the poor gazes of the soon to be victims. The Viking held himself high, looking down on his meal as his grin widened, exposing his fangs. He laughed through the smile, crouching on his horse and jumping off of it and towards the children, killing the boy first. He didn't even have to use his sword as blood splattered everywhere, his steel remaining clean and the sound of gore squelching echoing. He stood from his kill and slowly turned towards the girl with a red face, flesh still in his mouth. He then killed the girl with little hesitation, now using his sword he finished the first piece of meat.

Godbrand let out a satisfied breath of air, looking at you. "It's now or never, y/n." He said, voice low and gravely. "Eat before the rest of us take it all from you." He then left in a gust of wind, leaving you frozen in fear on the demonic horse. The screams and clangs of weaponry faded into static and ringing as you fell from the horse, stumbling to catch yourself on your feet. Your eyes were wide as you felt sick, slick with perspiration. But at the same time, seeing the blood dripping from the corpses made you so, so hungry. Yessssss eat, y/n. You know you want to. You felt as if Mari were screaming at you to get control of yourself, but you could not hear her. Your vision went red as Stel took over. Yes! They cried, helping in steering you from the wreckage. Let's get something fresh, shall we? Your slow stumbling turned to a walk and soon became a sprint as you headed towards another section of the town, killing everyone in your way. You sliced with your claws and gnawed with your fangs, drinking and eating the blood of the innocents freely. You found yourself smiling as your stomach filled. You laughed madly, your speed increasing and carnage unmeasurable.

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