Chapter 30- Malfeasance

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"Y/n! Y/n, wake up!"

You blinked away the light and fog, feeling as Trond shook you awake. "I'm okay, what-" With an ounce of panic, you looked up to see Lyn standing between the two of you and Mal, who stood a good ten feet from you, a coy smile on his face.

"You're awake. I didn't think that the shock of seeing your good friend and enemy Calcifer dead would bring you to faint. Unless... there is another reason." His grin grew. "He showed you his memories, didn't he?" A chuckle left his lips as he shook his head. "Too bad he couldn't give you his final gift." Mal held up a hand, his palm growing with a hint of fire hiding within it. "You need to be quicker than that if you want to obtain a gift that was rightfully won in battle."

Your brows creased deeply. "What battle? You didn't give him a chance." Mal's brows rose. "So you saw that too? Hm... I underestimated him. I didn't expect him to be good enough at that dream witchcraft to do that. Especially while dying." There was a hint of disgust to his tone that hurt you for some reason. "Wasn't he your friend?" You asked, standing and taking a step in front of the druids. "At one time, perhaps. But many things have changed since then."

"What do you want with me?" You finally questioned, recalling more and more of the things Calcifer had shown you. "My blood? My power? How do you hope to possibly take it from me?" He laughed, manic glee in his eyes. "Finally! The scholar shows some intelect! How do you think I am to take my power from you?" The frown deepened further into a scowl. "I don't know, why do you think I'm asking?" He gave you a surprised look, letting out a small hum. "I thought you of all people would know, with your ancient library filled to the brim with even more ancient books.

"It's simple. Self-explanatory, even. Easily implied.

"I will take it from you by right of battle. By the right of ritual. By the right of Death."

You took a deep breath, cracking your knuckles at your sides, noticing Trond and Lyn tensing and getting into fighting stances from the corners of your eyes. "Then I will be your downfall, rather than your reason to rise above. I will rip your soul from you and make you watch." Some devilish reflected in your eyes, and ecstasy burst from Mal, boisterous and thrilled laughter echoing over the mountain. "Yes! Yes- that's what I like to hear!"

He thrust his arm forward, but rather than aiming for you like you had expected, a burst of blue light streaked right towards Trond. Everyone's eyes widened in shock, moving a moment too late as the druid was sent flying back, landing against a charred and broken wooden bearing.


Lyn screamed, running back towards his little brother. You turned and watched, wanting to run back and heal him, only to have to immediately turn back and block another strike from Mal. He laughed, sending two more bolts. "You know, for being a scholar, you really are quite an idiot. Lesson number one in battle- never have attachments that can be used against you!" Mal now snarled, sending a larger blast at you with both hands, which you grabbed, holding it in place as you growled, staring him down with pure malice and hatred. "You will regret that." You muttered, voice gravely and low as you lunged forward, ball of energy still in hand, electric in power and slowly sparking outward from your hands to form a glaive.

With a yell, you thought it forward, aiming for his chest. Sadly, he dodged, leaving you lacking in the plunge. Trying to hit him with a follow up swing also failed, the man ducking down and leaping from you, maintaining distance. With a cry, you threw the glaive at him with all your might, the white energy turning into a pointed spear. It missed him by a hair, the man tilting his head, and grinning further as the static kissed his cheek and neck.

"You can't win, Y/n!" He called out, lackadaisical and uncaring as he circled you, arms folded behind his back. He was trying to get around to the druids again- too close for your liking. "That's what you think, but there is always a way!" With a clawed hand you used some of your own magic- a spell you had been able to make better with the help of the druids within the woods. Leafy vines broke from the ashy dirt, attempting to coil around Mal, only for the man to twist and weave with ease, not breaking eye contact save for the few moments he had his back turned to you or when he held his eyes closed, calm in each step. Snarling, you swiped a hand across him, a streak of fire slicing through the vines, only for the man to jump over them. "Immortality is a myth! Death comes for all- it isn't a matter of if, only when." Mal didn't seem to care for your words, his grin fading into disappointment.

"Not for me... not when you make a deal with Death himself." Malfease, stood right before you, not too close but not too far. "I made a deal for my pathseeing, and I work for him in return. I have risen greatly in his ranks, and I see that with your death, I will be able to be even more powerful than him!" He blinked, seemingly in slow motion, his silvery eyes dilating and flickering. "Wait- something changed... he..." His eyes softened, moving from the sudden fear they held to what you could only say was relief. "Oh alright..." He purred with intrigue, eyes darting over you. "Collecting your power may make me powerful, but more powerful than death? That is only a possibility- a small one. A chance. But if I capture you and bring you to him...." His eyes lit as he bared his teeth in another wide and maddened smile, sickening glee on his face. "Yess... I see now what I must do.

"Now then." Mal curled a hand, a ball of energy filling it. "Come with me, or I kill the druid." You blinked, and he was behind you, beside the two druids, holding Lyn by the hair and clutching his neck. The hand that didn't hold Lyn was clutched into a fist, blood seeping from it, the man sweating with hidden pain. You swiveled around, shouting. "No! Stop- no! I'll go! Just let them live." You were somewhat shocked at how quickly the words left your lips- they were immediate and without thought, but at the same time you couldn't say you regretted them. Mal's snarled smile curled. "Good." He dropped Lyn on top of Trond with a thud, and with a steel pang through the heart you noticed Trond wasn't breathing. You hoped that was only a trick of your eye, but you felt it. He was gone the moment Lyn touched the dirt, his eyes going dull as he brushed his hand against Lyn as he fell.

Your expression hardened, and you bowed your head, allowing your cloak to do its job and hide your expression. "Let's just go." Mal trotted over, grabbing your wrists and slicing them. "Agh!" You cried out, holding your bleeding arms, crimson trickling and defying gravity as the liquid coagulated into fetters. The nail he had used to slit your wrists cracked and burned, some blood rising in smoke. You noticed he had two nails which bore the same wound. He grimaced, holding it tightly. "Try anything and you bleed out." He grumbled, grabbing your arm with one hand as he held the one with the broken nails to his chest.

Mal took you a few steps from the mountain, the time flashing by faster than you would have liked. He took a deep breath, growling as he opened his hand again, palm bloody and the two broken nails charred. Pressing his thumb against a third nail, he screwed his eyes shut, sweat beading on his forehead. His hand shook as he pressed his thumb against the length of the black claw, crying out as he broke it in two. The next time you opened your eyes, you found yourself in a place you recognized.

Adrian's bedroom.

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