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Sorry this took a while I was busy. Hope y'all like it. :)

The courtyard was large enough for everyone to practice without harming each other, but they still went in small groups at a time so as to prevent injury. Alina could hear the group chattering on about what the queen's gift could possibly be. There were various conversations concerning how people were planning their demonstrations, but most were intrigued by the mysteries surrounding their guest.

"Everyone, train as you normally would, we are not here to judge you," the Darkling shouted over the small crowd.

The Corporalki, Etherealki, and Materialki split into respective groups while Susan and Kirigan stood to the side. Everyone began sparring against eachother, dancing with the wind, forming orbs of their powers, throwing fire back and forth, and, for the heartrenders, simply warming themselves from the cold. Their powers would do too much damage against their fellow Grisha. Alina was standing the the side before she finally threw her power outward around her. She controlled it into a single beam going upwards, before finally letting it die down. Every eye was on her. It was in this moment that Alina realized she hadn't shown the new unlocking of her ability to anyone.

"Beautiful," It was just a quiet breath but everyone looked toward the queen anyway, "I've never seen such warmth. If only-"

Susan cut herself off looking down, before plastering on another beautiful smile, "I am sorry to interrupt, but all of your abilities are incredible. I have only in my life seen one other with such talents. Unfortunately she was not so kind as you here."

"What do you mean never seen this before?" The call came from the back of the crowd, and Alina could pick out Zoya in the faces surrounding herself and Susan.

The queen looked pleasantly curious, "Well I have not been here for many years, such talents as these were not around in my time."

The Grisha found themselves confused by this statement. When was there a time without the Little Science?

"Are you yourself not Grisha?" Someone in the crowd called. Zoya looked triumphant, as understanding flitted across her face.

"No I can't claim to be, I didn't even know Caspian was when we first met. Though I think I have a slight understanding now that I have seen your magic."

The crowd was ruffled by this statement, and Zoya voiced their concerns, "Magic! It is not called magic. Your ignorance betrays you."

Kirigan stepped forward swiftly, but was stopped by Susan's hand, "What is it that has become so obvious to you my dear?"

Alina had yet to see the queen angry, but she could sense the danger in her words. Many of the other Grisha seemed aware, but no one was willing to risk warning Zoya.

"It is clear you are not from here, you are a stranger to us, and therefore a danger!"

Kirigan decided to sidestep Susan's outstretched hand, "I have never deceived you on where the queen is from, and have been forward with her intentions. Her majesty means no harm. You have my word Zoya."

Everyone, including Zoya, was aware of the warning in his words. They were to treat the queen with respect, or face his wrath. Alina thought this a fair warning. The queen had been nothing but kind and respectful to them all. Zoya's anger was from another cause.

At this moment Susan stepped in line with Kirigan, "I may not be well versed in your current issues or terminology, but I am still a part of this land. As much as any of you," She smiled at the general, "even if it was thousands of years ago."

Alina felt her jaw drop. If she was less shocked she would have seen the same reaction mirrored in the faces of those around her. No one in the crowd could have predicted the queen was a thousand years old, or any more. Only powerful Grisha could live for so long, and the realization that Susan wasn't even a Grisha crossed their minds.

Kirigan looked anxious as he stared at the queen, "My lady perhaps it is dangerous to mention-"

"Do not worry Caspian, I have to tell them-" however Susan herself, was cut off by the clanging of the bells.

Kirigan's mood shifted immediately, "Everyone stand guard, and be prepared. Guards what is it?" He called to the sentinels at the top of the castle gates.

One woman called down to him after looking through her glass, "Three people sir, on horseback, I believe one woman and two men."

Alina wasn't the only one that caught the glance between Kirigan and Susan before he commanded them to open the gates and allow the arrivals in.

After a few minutes wait, the travelers rode through the gates, into the courtyard.

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