₀₀₇. the more you know

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SO THE FIGHT ENDED QUICK. Like, insultingly quick. Cater ended up driving the five of them out before any real damage could be dealt. There was this particular move he used that made him impossible to beat, this ability to duplicate himself to endure and dodge every single one of their attacks. It was a strange move that worked strangely like Double Team, Yuu observed.

He knew Heartslabyul's Prefect wouldn't accept an apology without a tart. Yet he kept them there to paint the roses anyway— they had been tricked.

Classes continued despite their tragic loss, despite Ace's complaints about his lack of magic. Unlike him, Yuu was actually looking forward to those. How would magic classes like these differ from the Trainer schools back in her own world?

...Not that she ever got the chance to attend one back in Kalos.

Nonetheless, she was stoked to be sharing her first experience with Ace and Deuce and Grim. Her first, real set of friends.

Alchemy had been their first period of the day. She, who had never come in contact with such practices, had found it more enjoyable and interesting with every class she took. Alchemy was important, she found as she flipped through the pages of a well-worn textbook. Herbs, berries, potions... Yuu could not hide the excitement she felt when she realized that healing potions indeed existed in this world. The prospect of another method to heal her Pokémon without help from Audino was an immense relief. In a world where Pokémon Centers did not exist, healing Potions would be a godsend.

Divus Crewel, the professor of the subject himself, was a man who Yuu was still trying to decide whether she liked or not. He was a strict and intimidating man (rightfully so) with high expectations and even higher cheekbones. On the first day of class, he instructed the entire class to memorize seven entire pages of nothing but herbs.

On the second, he approached her desk and said, "Oh, what's this? I wasn't aware this puppy was allowed another pet of his own."

Yuu slowly craned her neck up from the textbook to look at him. From atop her shoulders, Noibat pressed himself into her hair so much she thought they would fuse together. Well, Professor Crewel had a right to have suspicions. Grim was expected to be her one and only companion so Yuu could see why having Noibat or Fletchling around would be strange.

She silently eyed the whip in his hand. That's right, Professor Crewel had some kind of owner complex.

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