Yes I Am

28 0 1

Yes I am a Barbie addict but really i dont like barbie dolls!! Eeww!! ^_^

So, do you??

Yes or No??




what letter did I miss?

I got this from my bestie, cheska18-..

^_^   oh please comment! :)

I also have jokes but I bet you havent heard these yet..

I just got few updates about Barbie..

Knock Knock!

'Bato' (ROCK)

'Bato' who?

Lets Rock! Common! Rock and Roll!!

Where's the 'Bato'?

Then what is the filipino of Rock?! Edi wow!!

Who can understand filipino and bisaya language here? Comment please!! ^_^

Okay thanks! Thats all first!

By The Way (BTW), I have 11 hours class tomorrow.. we start at around 7am and we end at around 5pm.. thanks! Stay tuned!!


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