medicine is nasty

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You see Tecno brushing his teeth in look of discuss of the medicine too

Technoblade: that's nasty but- he noticed you that you were cold a little bit because of the cold towel around your neck

Techno: oh umm I keeped a old bag of clothes of yours when you lived her I will go an grab you something he says

Techno grabs the bag and hand you some shorts and a light purple shirt

After you changed you were still cold a little bit tell techno in signed language

Techno picks you up and grabs his big cape and sits you on him

Techno: better?

You signed: yes

Techno: can you try to talk?

You shake your head to a yes, you trying to say some but it end up hurting your voice bad and couldn't say anything but cry of the pain

Techno: shh shhhh it's fine I'm here try to take a nap before Philza comes home

You signed: yes

You and Tecno were both asleep again, you were starting to have feeling again but didn't want to show it because he pushed you away last time

The next day
8:34 in the morning

Philza was home he cooked some soup for you and some steaks for him and techno

You were up walking around till you saw you old bag of yours which you though you lost years ago

You saw a old book with writing explaing how you felt when you lived here and the love for you techno you had

Phil: y/n come on time to eat, techno still asleep so let him be for now,  you shake your head to a yes

You both have eaten up it was a little hard for you but you managed the pain a bit

Techno: yawns good morning ( the clock 9:10) still Morning

You were upstairs relaxing and looking out a small window in techno room

Phil: good morning to you too techno

Techno: good morning Phil, were is y/n did she leave

Phil: she upstairs but come and eat some food and y/n took her medicine but don't tell her because I put it in her drink

Techno laughs a bit and eat the food that Phil made, thank you the food was good

Phil: no problem I be in my house and be careful with y/n

Techno: ya i got her see you later

After Phil leaves

Your pov

You heard Philza leave you wave out the window to say bye he waves back at you saying bye,

You looked at the cool books techno had in his room but you found out he still has a good heart

Techno: looking for something??

You jump a little bit of the fact he scared you.

You signed: you scared me

Techno: ya I can see that and stop looking through my stuff

You saw a book with your name on it and tried to open it but techno grab it and put it on a higher shelf

You signed: heyyyy it had my name on it

Techno: ya but it's mine and it's in my house soooo to bad so sad

You singed: bully

Techno: so were do you live actually?

You signed: 4 minutes away from here by the big lake

Techno: weird because I never seen a house unless you lived in a bunker?

You node your head to a yes

Techno: who build it though?

You signed: Awsamdude he help a lot

Techno: oh okay

You just sat on Techno bed and didn't say anything else to him because you didn't know why kissed you or helped you

Techno: umm y/n you good because you been sitting like that for a hole 3 minutes

You signed: yes I'm okay 

To be continued

The kidnapping Technoblade and xreaderWhere stories live. Discover now