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You signed: But philza i-

Phil: you will be fine I'm here y/n to help you too

You signed: okay I can try

You calm down and think slowly turning into dragon mode to wings and both purple eyes

Phil: you doing very well y/n now try to fly

You try to grap philza hand and he pulls you up a little bit helping you fly up slowly

Wilbur and techno both come outside to see you flying with philza

Wilbur: starts to tear a little bit

Technoblade: I'm crying too wilbur

No one POV

Wilbur when he was younger he had wings so did tommy but they got cut off by Dream so wilbur couldn't ever fly again but when Tommy found out, he hid his wings from everyone so no one knows about this but philza. Wilbur seeing you have wings make him miss the fun too

You signed: Wilbur and techno are crying did I do something bad?

Phil: No y/n there alright

You and philza started flying a little down and started sword fighting a lot because of training

Technoblade: she getting good at that very fast wilbur

Wilbur: yes she is very good but why not ask her out? Its not like you fuck her already ( laughing at his own joke)

Technoblade: ......

Wilbur: N-No you-you di-dn't techno

Technoblade: so about dating y/n she would say No just look at me wilbur I'm a monster a blood god she wo-

Wilbur: she will say yes believe me

Ramboo: hey I'm here what's up


Ramboo waves ups saying hello

You both get down from fight and training

Ramboo: okay y/n my friend/my beloved tubbo made some nether tea is the warmest tea in the world so you can try to talk and I finally made heath position for your neck

Technoblade: so before she takes it I have to tell her something

Technoblade: y/n can we speak upstairs real quick

You signed: okay?

You both head upstairs you started to feel nervous and scared to see what going to happen, you see techno look at you but he kind of red face

Technoblade: y/n I know you read my book, and I want to say thank you( starting to tear up a little bit)

You signed: techno I'm confused?

Technoblade: y/n i- I'm in love with you like a lot

Technoblade went down stairs and didn't say anything to anyone after, you went downstairs after he went thinking about it all rest of the time being

Ramboo: okay ready y/n?

You signed: yes

Ramboo: this will only work on your  enderdragon side of you because it's too strong for a human

You blink and calm down and turn both eyes purple and wings pop out

Ranboo: okay good now drink the heath position y/n

You go and drink the position and it tastes weird but there no such thing as good taste in a medicine am I right but you look at techno as he looking at you drinking the medicine he kind of turn pink

You: this shit tastes nasty



you start to cry because you gave up hope about talking again and thought you would have to signed all your live

Phil goes and hugs you because he was proud of you for not giving up

Technoblade: it's nice to hear your voice again y/n

You: shut up simp god

Technoblade: wh- bully

You run towards Ranboo hugging him in happiness saying thank you

Ramboo: y/n you okay now I'm so sorry Jshlatt did that to you but now you can talk again but you need to take a shower so your voice can feel more better tomorrow it will be sore but that's how the process goes than it will get better

You: okay thanks

Wilbur: y/n your boyfriend looking at you maybe he thinks you cheating on him


you: Wilbur bad ( laughing your ass off )

Technoblade now on top of wilbur putting is weight on him and tickling him

You and Ranboo and philza are laughing hardly not trying to ruin your voice even more


Technoblade gets off of wilbur and Ranboo and philza go back to philza place to go to sleep

Wilbur: at least I didn't fuck y/n be- WOAHHHH OWW

technoblade goes and jumps wilbur before he can finish what he saying

You: I'm confused?

Technoblade: it's fine y/n go take a shower in my room wilbur staying the night and sleeping on the couch so I'm staying with you I guess

You: okiee

To be continued

To be continued

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