finding a ring with Tubbo and Boo

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Tubbo: You want to marry y/n

Ranboo: Ofcourse he dose

Techno: So you will you help?

Ramboo: Sure, Come with us to pick out a ring with Niki

You and Ranboo go to the shop but tubbo stays at home

Niki: Hello Ranboo and Techno, What Brings you here today

Ranboo: We looking for a ring today for a marriage

Niki: Aww who getting married this week?

Techno: Well I'm asking someone to marry me heh, little nervous*

Niki: Techno you don't seen the type to get married she chuckles

Techno: Yah I know but I'm going to Ask y/n nightmare to marry me This week I think

Niki: Well come on techno let's help you find a ring for her, What does she like Diamond, gold, gemstones

Ranboo Pat's techno on the back and says dosen't she like purlls but she dose like crystals

Techno: Do you have anything in purple and crystals

Niki: Very uncommon to come for a ring but yes we have it, she pulls out 2 boxes of crystals rings with all color you can think of till

Techno: There that one

Niki: Nice a dark purple ring with black simple and it comes with a men ring to match the bride

Techno: how much

Niki: 2 blocks of Netherite

Techno and Ranboo both split it in half and paid Niki the blocks and now he had 2 small bags with a rings in it

Techno and Ranboo both split it in half and paid Niki the blocks and now he had 2 small bags with a rings in it

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Your ring he bought

Your ring he bought

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His ring

Ranboo: She will love it techno just relax

Techno: do you think she will say yes

Ranboo: I think she will so when will you ask her to marry her

Techno put the rings in his pocket

Niki: hey tech-

Y/n: hey I came back for-

Niki: Y/n is that you, awww your so pretty, who's baby is that

Techno graps the baby

You: its mine baby

Techno and Ranboo both looking at the baby making him happy

Niki: You mean

You: Yes I had a baby with Technoblade i know, everyone freaks out when I tell them

Niki: Haha it's fine I don't really see techno as a father type she chuckles

Techno: Y/n its getting late let's go home

You: okay

Niki: Omg can you come over I have some clothes that dont fit me maybe you would want them there all cute

You: I ask techno ho-

Techno: we are staying here a couple more days, because of some business we can have tubbo and Ranboo take care of the baby if you need a break okay

You: thanks techno but I want to bring the baby with me tomorrow and Niki yes I will go with you

Niki: YESSS okay I see you tomorrow same place byeeee

Techno and you and Ranboo all go to snowchester techno was holding the baby

4 minutes later

Tubbo: welcome home I made dinner potatoes and fish

You all sit and eat the food

Tubbo: So techno did you buy th- Pf

Ranboo kick tubbo in the leg and looks at him saying basically no

You: Your all are acting funny you chuckle, I'm go get Damon to bed and I'm head to bed too

You leave

Techno: Tubbo I swear to hell you almost blew my cover

Tubbo: I SORRY he chuckles, and Ranboo you kick hard

They were all laughing

Techno: I'm head to bed with the kid and y/n goodnight

They both say goodnight

Techno goes upstairs to see the baby on his baby bed and you sleeping on the big bed already, techno went to go change into some more comfortable clothes for him

You: techno?

Techno: I'm here he goes into the bed with you, techno cuddles you to sleep again the day ends

To be continued

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