Chapter 5

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"Mo Yuan, when your were Xiao Wu's shifu, you tried your best to teach her, knowing that in the future, she has to take on the mantel of Qing Qiu's next queen. Since you have Ye Hua's memories intact, I'm sure you now realise that while she did not look like she learned anything in the twenty thousand years she was your disciple, she has proven herself more than capable of leading not only the fox clan but also doing her utmost best as Kunlun's disciple in defending the realms from threat. As Ye Hua, we've seen how you loved her with so much passion that your stoic demeanour automatically softens when your gaze at her. Now as one and the same person from two separate individuals, what do want? I ask you this because my suggestions on the next steps will depend on the which outcome you want."

Mo Yuan takes in a deep breath and looks at his two of his oldest and closest friends. With his newly returned emotions, he feels so much strongly the feelings that had been suppressed through the golden lotus. He reigns in his tears but could not help as they glisten in his eyes as he makes his speech. "Before Fuxi granted me the title of War God that bore the responsibility of protecting the realms, you were both with me in the pursuit of play and pleasure. I only saw women as a means to pass the time, spending no more than twice in the same company. When my emotions were locked in the golden lotus to anchor my soul should I need to scatter into chaos to repay my debt, I further believed that I made the right decision when I saw how you fought over Zhe Zhe. I know time healed for you both and you have come out much better after it but I could not ever lose focus on what was important. Having my emotions kept at bay made choosing a life of celibacy much easier because it allowed me to concentrate on war strategies without any distractions. When the fan chose Qian Qian to be its master, I had no choice but to accept her as disciple so I could keep an eye on her. But while keeping her in check roused feelings of care and concern more than I have ever given anyone, I realised that it would only run much deeper if my soul was complete because of the way the golden lotus reacted to her voice and her touch. Nobody, not even I, could make the lotus react and come alive the way she did. And while you think Ye Hua's love for Qian Qian is different from me, we are one and the same. Ye Hua is the manifestation of all the emotions that I was not able to feel since I became War God. Now that my emotions are back to being a part of my being, my soul, I want to tell you both, I love Bai Qian, my Seventeen, my Qian Qian. A Li's beautiful presence in this world is a tangible proof of the love I have for her if you still need one. I want to live the rest of my life with her by my side, as my partner and my wife. Part of me already committed to her when she and Ye Hua married at Mount Junji when she was Su Su. With your blessing, I would like to marry her again as Mo Yuan, the complete soul that loves her to the very depths of my being."

Mo Yuan's heartfelt speech moved Bai Zhi enough to still his remaining objections. His daughter and grandson will be in good hands. "Then you have my permission to marry Xiao Wu, Mo Yuan. Welcome to the family."

"Thank you Bai Zhi, Zhe Yan."

"Now that's out of the way. Here's what we'll do. I suspect Bai Zhen will bring her back to the fox den in a little while after they realise there's no body to recover. I will give her a sleeping potion so we can assemble everyone and get them in on the plan to get you both finally together without Xiao Wu distracting us. You might have been with her as her Shifu for twenty thousand years and as her fiancé for a short time, but I have known that girl since she was but a little kit, Mo Yuan. Being raised in the company of mostly men all her life and being a recluse makes her really slow in realising things, often needing either mine or Zhen Zhen's prodding questions to get her thinking in the right direction. This being a matter of the heart also poses a greater challenge. Whether you admit this or not Bai Zhi, Xiao Wu is clueless in matters of the heart! And I mean that as one of those people who love her to bits.
First, A Li. We need to inform Di Jun that Ye Hua is Mo Yuan so he can help us manage Haode. Bai Zhi, you take this task.  I realise the position of Crown Prince is vacant now that Ye Hua is no more and none of Haode's sons are worthy to take over, but as the grandson of Fuxi- and whether as Ye Hua or Mo Yuan, you are the biological son of the Father of the Gods- A Li has a rightful claim to be the next Crown Prince of the Nine Heavens once he comes of age. This should give Haode enough hope for the future of the Nine Heavens. Bai Zhi and I will also come out of seclusion to throw our weight in supporting Haode in matters concerning the realms to ease off some of the burdens that were previously taken on by Ye Hua. This will allow you time to regain your cultivation and take care of your family as you ease into your new life. Any comments or objections on this first point?"

"I have an objection, or when I share this with Zhe Zhe she will have an objection and I need a ready answer for her.  Qing Qiu does not answer to the Nine Heavens, and also one of the biggest and wealthiest realms where my only daughter rules as queen.   And now I know that A Li is my own grandson, he is also an heir to the one of the thrones of Qing Qiu.  How can we only consider the Nine Heavens?" 

"Bai Zhi,  as long as Qian Qian allows, I promise you give you more grandchildren than you have thrones in Qing Qiu, Kunlun, and even the Peach Grove if Zhe Yan would grant it."

Laughing at Mo Yuan's declaration in answer to Bai Zhi, the three friends agree to move forward in their plotting...errr.. discussion.

"Second, Xiao Wu. You know it take her much longer to understand her own feelings so I suggest that you write her a letter instead of facing her directly. This allows you to immediately explain your situation while giving her the space to think and reflect. She can also go back on your written words should she feel any confusion. From there, Zhen Zhen, Zhe Zhe and I will take over and ask the questions she should have been asking herself to get her heart's answer. Then we'll suggest to ponder things over at Mount Junji, where you both fell in love. Staying in the mortal realm will allow you the time to regain her trust and win back her love and not have your absence keenly felt in our world. Either I or Bai Zhen will let you know when to follow her to Mount Junji. "

When he was her shifu, Mo Yuan was one of Seventeen's most trusted advisers because when she gave her trust, she trusted implicitly, even during those times she disagreed with his teachings because she knew that her teacher and Master wanted everyone to strive to be stronger, better, wiser. With him in her adult life as Ye Hua, it was Bai Zhen's efforts that had Qian Qian finally coming to him. So while he wanted to be reunited with Qian Qian desperately, there was wisdom in Zhe Yan's suggestion. Allowing her time to think about the events with the help of her trusted family to guide her reflections would be the best approach to their reunion.

"Third, you and Kunlun. It will be daybreak in a while. After you write your letter to Xiao Wu, I will take you back to Kunlun to get you settled. I think Chang San is still there, keeping things in order to await your return, but I'm not sure about the rest of your disciples. Last I heard, Die Feng and Zi Lan were scouring the realms in search for Si Yin. I will stay with you to make sure your energy is settled before working with Zhen Zhen and Zhe Zhe on Xiao Wu. You will be inundated with visitors who want to see for themselves if the God of War has truly resurrected and they will drain the little energy you have now, so make sure you can meditate for at least two hours everyday and get proper rest at night.  You will need whatever strength you cultivate for your time with Xiao Wu."

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