Chapter 8

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As Xiao Wu approached the open seating area of the fox den, her family and Zhe Yan quietly waited for her to open up the conversation.
"Where's A Li now?" She asked.

"Migu took him to the mushroom market to buy some loquats." Her mother replied.

"Mother, do you know that he's my real son? I gave birth to him when I was still undergoing my mortal trial at the Nine Heavens. And I chose to forget him! What kind of mother have I been?!" Her lips quivered as she said those heartbreaking words to her family.

Her mother rushed to take her in her arms as her only daughter sobbed her heart out. "Let it all out Qian, Qian. You can cry here with us. Nobody here in this room judges you for your past actions. You did what you thought was best at that time." Her mother rubbed her daughter's back in comfort.

"Xiao Wu, now that you know A Li is your true son, what do you want to do?" Her brother Zhen Zhen asked

"I'll claim him of course! He's mine! Well, ours, Mo Yuan and I." She scoffed

"And there lies the different reaction now that you know the truth and not under any influence of alcohol," Zhe Yan quipped.

"Xiao Wu, you already love that boy even when you though he was only Ye Hua's son. You have nothing to fear from knowing now that you are indeed his real mother. After all, A Li always thought you were his biological mother so for him nothing changes with his relationship with you. It is actually with his father that he has some coming to terms to now that Ye Hua is Mo Yuan made whole." Her father added.

They wait for her sobbing to ease into small hiccups before Zhe Yan asked, "Xiao Wu, now that you know everything, how do you want to move forward? We're all behind you whatever you decide, of course."

"Well, first I want A Li. I may have decided to forget my mortal trial but now that I have been reminded and my story told back to me, I want to officially claim him as Qing Qiu's son."

Her father stepped forward and said, "I've already done that, Xiao Wu. I was with Zhe Yan at Yan Hua cave when Mo Yuan woke up. He already shared with us his story which I'm sure was contained in your letter. Yesterday, I went to Nine Heavens and told Haode that Qing Qiu and Kunlun will claim A Li." However, he left the part of Mo Yuan committing to Haode that A Li will take Ye Hua's Crown Prince title when he come of age, thinking that his grandson's future was for Mo Yuan and his daughter to discuss. Xiao Wu will lose focus and get riled up if he told her.

"Thank you, Father."

Just then, A Li entered the fox den with Mi Gu and Nai Nai in tow. "Mother, you're finally awake! Guess what? We brought you loquats, your favorite!" As he rushed forward with arms wide open to hug his mother who knelt down and reached for her son.

"A Li! Mother is sorry for not being there when you were growing up, but I promise, after I talk with your father, you will always be with me." She vowed to her son.

"Where is father by the way?" A Li asked as he pulled from his mother's too tight embrace. The question he asked in general to his fox family who seemed to always have a ready smile whenever he looked their way. How he loved it at the fox den!

Bai Qian looked up to her family for the answer to A Li's question. "Your father is at Kunlun mountain to attend to some affairs but will reunite with you soon," was the answer that came from her Fourth Brother who then added, "how about you stay with grandmother, grandfather, grandfather Zhen Yan and I here at the fox den while your mother fetches your father?"

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