Chapter 2: This is pretty bad...Probably

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I died...didn't even get the chance to publish my work on Shounen Jump...

It's the twelve-time Koufa's work was rejected in Shounen Jump the first time was in college where he submitted "Zoo Catastrophe" a story about a failure college student who quit school because of bullying he experienced a lot of gruesome acts of violence but of course, his family was not happy about him leaving school so they kicked Him out in the house he didn't even tell them about the bullying he experienced though. One day he decided to get a job at the Jungki Zoo a nearby zoo by the sea. Jungki zoo is not that popular even in the village because of some scary rumors. No one would even attempt to work there. 3rd day of work he was cleaning the Zebra's cage the Zebra seems normal at first but it then cried so loudly and scary He covered his ears but he can still hear the sounds his legs suddenly fell on the ground his whole body became numb and not too long as his body dropped to the ground too. After a few minutes, the Zebra stopped crying so he opened his eyes and when he saw the Zebra he got extremely scared he wanted to run but couldn't the Zebra's eyes switch placed with its mouth and its ears fell on the ground the Zebra's body also changed it's back stretched to the maximum and the Zebra was standing on 2 foot and the other 2 feet was placed in the side of his face where the ears should be. Then he looked around and saw that all the animals in the zoo also transformed into a disgusting creatures.

This Manga didn't get published because apparently the content was too much for the magazine and this type of story is hard to stretch for a lot of chapters like the magazine wanted.

-So you're telling me that this is another world?

-Maybe for you

-That I'd got Isekai'd?

-Sort of...

Hahaha, I knew it Isekai is real...Wait

Koufa gently scratch his head and ask

-Why do you want to transport my room here?

The girl returned to her sit and ask Koufa to have tea with her which Koufa accepts even though he's not a Tea person.

-This Realm is beautiful and it has all the things I need.....Well almost.....Cause this place has it all Unlimited food, Mana, Different types of creatures like Dragon and Gold slime but this place lacked was it doesn't have a house...


-True I can sleep in a fluffy creature but wouldn't it be cool if I had a house?

-Then why not just ask God or whatever for a house...?

-You cannot enter something in the Realm if your not the owner

-So even God?

-Yes so I summoned one...That happens to be your house.......

Koufa put his legs on the table and said

-Ohhh so that's the whole transported thing was about

Inside Koufa's house, something came out of his opened door

-Kuwaaaaaaa what is that Creepy Creature?....... The girl shouted

-Ehh Creepy? What do you mean by that His name is Dog and he's super cute

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-Ehh Creepy? What do you mean by that His name is Dog and he's super cute... For me at least but don't you dare call her creepy...


-Anyway, this place is so beautiful let me take a walk...Don't follow me


-Just stay with the cat, Got it?

-Huhu wondering to someone's house without the owner's permission, I see

-Shut up

Koufa walk to the west with his arms on the back of his head

He was now near to the Giant tree he saw earlier, He touched it at one finger first in case there is a curse or something attached to this tree, But luckily nothing happened to his finger, then out of nowhere he proceeds to hug it, his whole arm didn't even cover 1¾ of the tree.

-This tree is pretty big isn't it... Welp this is another world after all

A purple light can be seen in the sky

-What's that Light?.....

And of course, out of curiosity, he will follow it.

This purple light commonly appears in Realms because of the insane amount of Mana there, the mana in realms are so much in fact if you spent 60 years casting powerful magic you won't even get near half of all the mana

Koufa was now below of the light this is weird looks like the Aurora borealis back on earth except for its full violet color.

And Aurora borealis happened when charged particles from the sun strike atoms in Earth's atmosphere, they cause electrons in the atoms to move to a higher-energy state. When the electrons drop back to a lower energy state, they release a photon: light. This process creates beautiful aurora or northern lights.

But after going there he Realized why did he even ran to it...and now.

-I'm Lost......

Back in the house, the girl was staring at the cat, for minutes straight now.



The cat licked his paws, licking is an effective mode of hygiene for cats. Their teeth function as a way to handle persistent dirt, while their sandpaper-like tongues efficiently moisten and lick their coats. ... For the most part, cats lick themselves as a means to stay clean. After that, the cat walks towards her.

-Oiii stay back why are you approaching me?

The cat was near to her now she doesn't want to hurt it so she just closed her eyes..... the moment he opened it again she saw the cat sleeping on his foot.

-Th- this M-Maybe this ain't bad


Koufa was running everywhere and couldn't find the place he started

-Damn it all...

Koufa stops to catch his breath. I mean running that far will surely make anyone tired.


Then i huge airwave strikes to him causing him to fly 20 feet mid-air and landing on his shoulders


Koufa's shoulder is in bad condition.

-Ahh w-what the hell...

There when he looked up a 100-foot dragon was in front of him the color was black and in the chest area was white...

-A-a Dragon ahh for real?

-This is pretty bad isn't it......

To be continued...

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