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Friday sat up.

She looked to the side and saw Melanie sitting in the chair. Melanie.

Friday in all honestly and for the first time, didn't know what to do.

Melanie: So..

Friday: So...

Melanie: How are you feeling?

Friday: Fine, but do you want to tell me what happened?

Melanie: You were spying on me.

Friday: Well obviously, I was concerned about you.

Melanie: Well thanks to you my cover was blown, want to guess where we are now?

Friday glanced around and realised that she didn't know where she was, not a jail, not  her bedroom not Melanie's bedroom. Where was she. She looked at he walls, plain as can be, the door plain, the floor, plain, the bed, plain and even her clothes were plain. If they wanted plain she could've showed them her wardrobe.

Friday: No, I do not want to guess where we are, but do you want to tell me?

Melanie: The Police station

Friday: The police station, I never knew that the police station had a bedroom, have I done something wrong?

Melanie: You didn't do anything wrong, I did and we are in here because it is soundproof  and because no one knew that this existed, not even you.

Friday didn't know why they were even in this room, why anything.

Melanie: Listen Friday, you know the phone, the blue one in the corridor one day it rang and nobody was home and I answered it and they wanted to see you and i think that they are really bad and they want to take you away or something and I was communicating with them through Grace and. Listen I'm going to bring them here and they won't know where they are and they are going to meet you and them I'm going to bring in Sargent Crowley.

Friday: ok, but what for.

Melanie: once you find out that they are bad or something.

Friday: Ok, but what am I supposed to do what if they find a way to spill the beans or something.

Melanie: Look we don't have time you are going to have to trust me as your friend.

Friday did, trust her as a friend and she was going to have to take a leap of faith, not that she believed in anything but the laws of science.

Friday: Fine, but I'm going to need chocolate cake after this.

Melanie flashed her a grin.

Melanie: now I could do with some of that.

Melanie left the room and Friday waited she waited about 5 minutes before a man with a blindfold came in, she took in his appearance, tall, athletic, blonde hair..

Friday: Ian?

Ian: Friday is that you?

I an removed his blindfold.

Friday: what is Melanie doing, she said she thought you were someone bad.

Ian: no, but I have come to take you away on a date.

Friday: You both planned this didn't you

Ian avoided her gaze

Friday: did you really have to knock me out

Ian: it added to the charade

Friday: No, it didn't

Ian: so are we going to get out of here or not?

Friday: as long as I can change my clothes I don't want to look like a shadow

The end

A/N: lol sorry for that abrupt ending but I wasn't going to continue with this much longer and I had definitely lost the motivation to, but i tried to make it a sort of not so cringy ending but i think that it ended up that way, but like if you are reading this I am like thankful but also sorry you've had to wait like months for a new chapter that wasn't even that great but thank you all the same.

Friday Barnes: The case of the Peculiar PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now