Part 1

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Oikawa stared at himself in front of his mirror looking at his newly prescribed glasses. He grumbled to himself as he thought about how ugly he looked.

"If Iwa sees these ugly piece of crap, he'll surely break up with me. I look stupid, ugly and disgusting." he thought out loud.

A voice spoke up from behind Oikawa. "I won't break up with you even if you turn into the ugliest creature on the face of earth. And I think you look beautiful."

Oikawa slightly blushed as he recognized his boyfriend's voice. He spun around and stared at him.

"I-Iwa... When did you come here?" the setter inquired.

"Your mother let me in a few minutes ago." Iwaizumi answered.

"Oh... Do you really think I look ok?" Oikawa asked.

"Ok? Kawa, you're the prettiest being on this planet I have seen. Everything about you is perfect."

Iwaizumi started to pepper Oikawa's face with kisses.

"Your eyes, your mouth, your nose, your forehead, your eyebrows, your hair, your neck, your body, your personality, everything. I'm in love with all of you, Oikawa Tooru. And never, ever think that I would leave you. You're my whole world."

Oikawa slightly teared up as he said, "Thanks... I needed that."

"I love you, Tooru." Iwaizumi said, his lips brushing against his boyfriend's.

"I love you too, Hajime." Oikawa mumbled as he pecked his Iwaizumi's lips.

A moment of comfortable silence passed between the two childhood best friends.

"Ok, enough sappiness." Iwaizumi stated, with a stupid grin on his face. He picked Oikawa up and tackled him on the bed, tickling him.

"Iwa- HAHAHAHA- Iwa- stop- I-I can't- let me breathe- HAHAAHAHA" the boy wheezed as Iwaizumi kept on tickling him. (A/N: Like the picture above but the sofa is Oikawa's bed)

"What's the magic word, baby?" demanded Iwaizumi.

"Godzilla!" Oikawa shrieked.

Iwaizumi stopped tickling his boyfriend as he looked at him with a confused expression.

"Why the hell would it be Godzilla?"

Oikawa giggled as he scrambled on top of Iwaizumi.

"That was a mere distraction! Now you're in my trap, o mighty dragon slayer!" he claimed.

Iwaizumi laughed, "Oh nooo... What will I ever do?"

" Don't worry, for I, Prince Oikawa am here!"

"Wait... Weren't you the one who captured me?"

Oikawa pouted and mumbled, "Just- just play along."

Iwaizumi pecked Oikawa's lips as he whispered, "You're adorable."

The couple noticed that Oikawa's mom was standing in front of the door. They scrambled to the opposite sides of Oikawa's bed as their faces turned tomato red.

"M-mom... How long have you been there?" Oikawa questioned.

"Long enough" replied Mrs. Oikawa. (A/N: Her first name is Isana -that's not cannon btw I made it up- )

"Auntie-" Iwaizumi gulped.

"I forbid you from calling me that." Isana spat.

"From now on you have to call me mom." she clarified, smiling.

"Thank god. I thought you were homophobic for a second." Oikawa breathed out.

Isana scoffed, "What kind of bisexual would that make me?"

"Wait, you're bi?" screeched Oikawa.

"I thought it was obvious. Oh well, nevermind. Does Karen (A/N: Iwaizumi's mom's first name -that's not cannon either-) know about you guys?

"Uhm... No... She's homophobic. She thinks I have a girlfriend." Iwaizumi murmured.

"Oh... Well, feel free to come here whenever she's talking bullshit." Isana said.

"Thanks, aun- mom." Iwaizumi smiled.

"No problem, dear." Isana said as she returned the smile.

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