Part 2

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A week later Iwaizumi rung the Oikawas' doorbell. His eyes were red and puffy and he had a red mark on his cheek. 

Oikawa opened the door with a grin. However, his face fell when he saw his boyfriend's face.

"Hey Iwa- woah woah, what happened? Are you ok?" he asked, worry obvious in his voice.

"Can- can I hug you, please? I really need it." the shorter of the two said, his voice quivering. 

"Of course, love. Come here."

Iwaizumi buried his face in Oikawa's chest and his tears silently fell on Oikawa's shirt. Oikawa kissed his hair and tried to calm his crying boyfriend down. 

"I love you. You know that, right?" Oikawa asked, his voice soft.

"I know, I love you too." Iwaizumi mumbled against his boyfriend's chest.

The couple stayed like that until Iwaizumi stopped crying.

"Let's go inside, yeah?" Oikawa said, his voice sweet.

A nod came from Iwaizumi as he did not trust his voice at the moment. They went to the living room holding hands while Isana was watching TV.

"Hey Haji-" She turned to look at the couple. When she saw Iwaizumi's face, she turned the TV off, and went over to them.

"Woah, what happened, are you alright?"

His voice barely a whisper, Iwaizumi said, "My mom found out that I was gay."

"Did she hurt you?" Isana asked, worried.

"Physically, she just slapped me. Mentally, well-" Iwaizumi squeezed his boyfriends hand for support as his eyes became cloudy from the tears.

"It's alright, dear. You don't have to tell me."

"Thanks mom." Iwaizumi sighed.

"Tooru will you take care of Hajime's cheek while I go knock some sense into Karen?" Isana asked, obviously pissed.

"You don't have to-" Iwaizumi tried to argue.

Just then the doorbell rung, cutting Iwaizumi's words in half. Isana opened the door to see Karen. 

"Where is he? Where is that faggot? I know he's in here." Karen demanded, her voice venomous.

"Excuse me- what did you just call your son?" Isana questioned.

"What he deserves to be called, of course. Don't tell me you are fine with Hajime being gay?"

"Of course I'm alright with it! So should you!"

Karen looked at Isana speechless as Isana carried on.

"He can love whoever he loves, just like anybody else!"

"It's just a phase, he'll go back to his origin." Karen barked.

Isana looked back at Iwaizumi who shaking in fear while Oikawa was trying to comfort him.

"Nah, I've liked boys AND girls since I was old enough to know what love meant. So I don't think his is a phase either." Isana defended.

"EWWW! You're a fag too!" Karen screeched.

"No, I'm bisexual." Isana calmly said.

"Tooru, how can you be ok with all this?" Karen asked, desperate to find someone on her side.

"I'm not." Oikawa replied.

Karen sighed, "Finally someone in their right mind-" 

"I'm not ok with you calling my boyfriend and mother faggots." Oikawa spat at the now shocked woman.

"You- what- but- your- b-boy- what?" Karen blabbered.

"His boyfriend, are you deaf, woman?" Isana retorted. 

"You've all gone crazy!" Karen accused.

Isana grinned, "Hm, I don't think so. Now boys, do you want to make this homophobic woman go even crazier?"

Iwaizumi, having calmed down, smirked as he and Oikawa started making out.

"Eurgh- disgusting." Karen gagged.

"You're the disgusting one. Now fuck off and don't come back. Hajime is staying with us from now on." Isana said, with a fake smile on her face.

Karen scoffed, "As if I'd take him back. Here's his stuff."

Iwaizumi's mom left with a disgusted expression on her face.

"Well, that's done. Dinner's at 7, Hajime, you can go unpack in Oikawa's room."

Iwaizumi thanked her as his boyfriend started pulling him towards his room. As they entered Oikawa's room, Iwaizumi started laughing.

"What are you laughing at Iwa?" the taller boy questioned.

"Well, now at least I won't have to listen to you whine about how half of your room is always empty, no matter how you arrange it."

"You were thinking about that? I was thinking about the things we could do on the bed."

Iwaizumi blushed. "You pervert." 

"No! I was thinking about cuddling! You're the pervert."

"Sure you were."

"Okay, maybe just for a second but- hey, Iwa! Stop laughing!"

They both started to laugh. When their laughs died down, Oikawa started to help Iwaizumi unpack his stuff. Half an hour later, the couple was laying on the the bed, cuddling, (A/N: Like the picture above) half of Iwaizumi's stuff long forgotten.

"I love you, Tooru. Thanks for always being there for me." Iwaizumi said as he snuggled against the taller male.

"I love you too. And remember our promise, we're together until the very end." Oikawa said.

"Yeah. Until the very end."

A few hours later, a voice came from the kitchen. "Boys! Dinner is ready!". After waiting for them for a few minutes, Isana went to Oikawa's room to see both boys sleeping soundly, so she decided to leave them be.

She had dinner alone, and watched some TV before deciding to call it a day. She went into Oikawa's room, kissed both boys' foreheads and went to sleep in her own room.

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