Part 3

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A month had passed since Iwaizumi had moved in with the Oikawa's. Oikawa and Iwaizumi were cuddling on their shared bed, Iwaizumi reading a book and Oikawa just enjoying his boyfriend's presence.

"Hey, Tooru."

"Yeah, Hajime?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, but where is this coming from?"

"In the book, the main character dies before their bestfriend can confess their undying love for them. I just wanted to say it."

"Aww, that's so sweet, my love."

A few minutes pass in silence until they hear Isana shouting from the living room. "Boys, can you come down here for a minute, we have a guest over!" 

"Coming mom!" both shouted at the same time.

As the two went downstairs to greet their guest Oikawa let out an unintended 'wow' slip out. Now don't get him wrong, he was loyal to his boyfriend, but the woman sitting on the couch was so gorgeous that even Hajime, a gay man, thought she was hot. 

"Hello, miss." Iwaizumi said, sitting down on the couch.

"Welcome." Oikawa said as he sat down next to his boyfriend.

"Tooru, Hajime, this is Nirvana, my girlfriend." Isana announced.

"Mom- I can't believe you." Oikawa said, a shocked look on his face.

"I get that you may be surprised that your mother is dating a girl but-" Nirvana had started until Oikawa cut her off.

"How did you manage to get someone as hot as her?!"

"Oi! I'm right here, Shitty-kawa." Iwaizumi barked.

Oikawa pecked Iwaizumi on the lips as he murmured a half apology "Babe, I love you but she is hot."

"Wow, the betrayal."

"Iwa- I-"

"I'm kidding love, relax. I love you too. And she is hot, so..."

"I have no idea what's going on..." Nirvana said, dumbfounded.

Isana chuckled before explaining. "So, basically, Hajime and Tooru are childhood bestfriends and are dating each other. Hajime is also living with us because his mother is homophobic and kicked him out of the house."

Nirvana shot a sympathetic look at Iwaizumi, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, no, it's fine." Iwaizumi reassured her with a smile.

"Say, Nirvana-san why don't you live with us as well?" Oikawa asked. "We have enough room, and I bet mom would be happy too."

"Yeah, well, living with your significant other is a dream come true." Iwaizumi added with a fond smile.

"Aww Iwa, you really think so?" His boyfriend asked.

"Yeah. I love you."

"I- um- you were supposed to be the one flustered, not me." Oikawa said, a blush creeping on his face.

"So you accept you are flustered at the moment?" Iwaizumi asked, one eyebrow raised.


"Ok, well, I'm still waiting for you to say it back."

"Right. Sorry. I love you too." Oikawa said as he pecked Iwaizumi's lips.

"That's better."

"Anyways, if you guys are done with... whatever that was, we were actually talking about Nirvana moving in with us. That was what we were planning on asking you."

"Great! When are you moving in?" Oikawa asked, clearly excited.

"Is next week alright with you?" Nirvana asked, sheepishly.

"Sure." was the response from the other three.


And they lived happily ever after. The end. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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