chapter 1

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You know that point when you thought you published the chapter before going to dance class?

And then your dads truck dies so he has to call his dad to come and give him a jumpstart?

But then he cant find the parking lot that your in so your stuck in the creepy at neighbor hood in a dead car freezing your ass off?

Then your grandfather finally gets there... And they start having a discussion about the proper way to jump a car.

Then you end up not getting home until 10:30'ish and there's no hot water left after your older brother.

So then you go to wattpad.

And realise you didnt publish the chapter.

*slams head on wall*

Well this chapter is dedicated to @ArianaPinapple for reminding me about this story 🤦

Y/n pov age 14

I was at school when I first noticed it.

Both of my friends had already gotten soul-marks as we call them at the time I was jealous of them they were escatic everfy time a bruse of somthing of the sort appears on them.

The first time it was a meer scratch in the middle of science my friends were very happy.

Third pov

"See I told you!" Said Jenny one of my friends. "Now pay up!"

Grace my other friend grumbled as she handed over 20 dollars.

"Oh quit it your rich if you had won the bet I woyld be broke! You can afford it!"

"Wait whats going on?" Asked y/n

Grace explained: "we had a bet I bet that your first mark would come during the summer while Jenny bet it would come before the end of the year."

"I was worth 20 dollars?"

"Yup!" Said Jenny "and your timing was amazing!
Imagine three days before the end of school."

"Yah thanks alot y/n." Grace playfully grumbled.

"Oh your fine Grace as Jenny said you can afford it we arnt rich you are. "

"That's not he point you guys know that I hate losing!"

Y/n and Jenny laughed.

💿*time skip brought to you by psychotic convo with a ghost*💿

*at "home"*
Y/n pov

I cautiously unlocked the door to go inside our house. No one was home I let out a sigh of relief and dropped my backpack on the floor forgetting that my foot was in the way.

that hurt.

all of a sudden a jolt of pain went up my arm like when I cut myself but more my sleeve was suddenly wet I looked down at it in shock.

Blood was driping down my arm and onto the floor "damn it"

Thinking quickly I ran to the kitchen and grab the first aid kit. I pull out some bandages and wrap my arm. 

Right after I finished Securing the bandage I heard a car drive up "shit" I mumble to myself "well y/n lets hope mom is on one of her good days"

I grab a rag fervently hoping I have time and run to the front door pick up my backpack and run that to my shared room.

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