Part 61

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Those are all of the feelings welcomed Manik as soon as he entered his lavish humongous duplex apartment. The wide living room is dead with no lights on. He turned the lights on sighed and walked to the kitchen.

His butlers as per instruction cooked his dinner and left already. He thought to heat up the food then suddenly felt no interest in it as he lost his appetite as the food was not prepared by the love of his life. He glared at the delicious Peri Peri chicken salad in utter distaste and kept it back inside the fridge.

He then walked to the mini bar and poured himself some wine. Grabbing the bottle and  glass , his feet dragged him to the stairs to his room, but suddenly his step halted in the first step of stairs mocking him, daring him to take another step.

He was dreading to go to Their Room where she wouldn't be there waiting for him wearing her favourite Panda night wears watching either Friends episodes or Twilight saga movies in Netflix or trying a new musical cord.

Again another fresh sadness covered his heart and he then turned around and walked to the in-home pool area. He settled himself in one of the lounge and slowly started sipping the red delicious wine. A beautiful memory poked his thoughts.

" Its just wine, Nandini. " Manik stated sipping the delicious red liquid.

" It's still alcohol. And don't you know Nandini Moorthy doesn't drink! "
She puffed in annoyance settling herself beside him in the loveseat.

Manik chuckled heartily seeing her pout and chubby adorableness.

'God, he just love her!'

" I am not asking you to drink any strong alcohol like scotch or something, just little sip of wine. It is just grape juice with little amount of alcohol. You know wine's are really expensive and you have to really an expert to taste the perfectly brewed wine. And, moreover that wine gives you relaxation. And, for your information my father owns a couple of vineyards in California and France. "

Nandini gawked at him in utter disbelief imagining the unbelievable wealth of Malhotras'.

"Oh yes, he is filthy rich. " he replied seeing the shock on her eyes. But, that was not the point at the time. So, he took another sip of wine and continued

" Also, wine frees stress from our body. It's general trivia. You can go and Google it if you want Ms. Smartypant Moorthy. " he replied.

" Ah, no need to do that, don't you know Nandini Moorthy is already smart. " she shrugged casually.

" Do you want me to shut your smartness now? Do you want to know how? " he challenged seductively pulling her petite form over his lap and slow and seductively his fingers grazed her slightly visible cleavage.

He knew his effects on her and he left no chance to tease the hell out of that knowledge leaving Nandini writhing for more. They still didn't consummated their relationship.
And as painful as it was, Manik was in no rush at all. He wanted her to fully accept their intimacy and got comfortable with their bodies. He had given her time to accept him, so that when that memorable moment would come, she would wholeheartedly and wantingly welcome him inside her.

" Maaanik!! " her delicious moan ignited the fire inside him which was already started burning his south part. And Nandini being straddling him, was just oiling the flame more. But, he did not want anything else than her being that much close to him even though he was dying in carnal pain to get a release.

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