Part 32

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" Meet The Manik Malhotra. Your mentor. "

Listening the ever shocking unexpected news Nandini couldn't keep her mental stability stable and fainted then and there.

" Nandiniii " Manik exclaimed and before her upper body could met the floor , it was promptly cocooned by the most protective arms ever of her life.

" Nandini, get up . What happened ? Kya hua tumhe? " an afraid Manik was exclaiming which raised eyebrows of his so called witch mother.

" Nandini !!! " Raghav also kneeled beside her to check on his unconscious student and said " let's take her to the sick bay. "

" Sprinkle some water on her " Niyonika suggested and Raghav was about to leave when Manik suddenly pull Nandini's bag and take out the water bottle and started sprinkling water on her face which again earned arched eyebrows from the other two. But that pathetic moment Manik was not The arrogant Rockstar but only his Star's Manik who very well aware of the indeed stuffs carried by his unnamed but most precious relationship bearer Girl.

" Nandini !!! Utho. Utho. Get up. " Manik was constantly blabbering patting her cheeks which really poked the sharp eyes of Niyonika Malhotra as it was hell impossible for her to imagine her 'I-care-a-dam' son to care about some random one that too in public. No... not possible... simply not the Manik Malhotra , son of Niyonika Malhotra at all.

After few good stressed moments finally she got her conscious back and what she found out was enough for her to get faint all over again.She slowly opened her eyes and found the most attractive brown pair of eyes were staring at her fully covered with restlessness.

It really took her micro seconds to fetch out her surrounding but before she could completely came out of her trauma Manik pulled her in a bone crushing hug completely showing thumb to the not so good , worst actually surrounding.

Now that was really hell, heaven and all kind of unexpected to the other two pairs of confused whilst stunned eyes.

" Thank God !! You are okay. Dar gaya tha main. " Manik whispered while hugging her.

But Nandini's just returned from unconscious world mind pinched her hard to remind her about the embarrassing surrounding and she forcefully pulled her from his embrace. It shocked Manik. But he then understood the biggest mistake he had just done showing his emotions to the public that too in front of the witch lady . He mentally started punching his uncontrollable emotions hard as he was supposed to save his Nandini from the dragon lady nut eventually he himself messed up it.

" Manik !!!! " Niyonika gave her a stern confused look which alarmed his senses and preparing himself for the ' offence is best defence' game he stood up fixing his jacket while Raghav helped Nandini to stand up.

" Are you okay ? " Niyonika asked her. The poor soul nodded her head fixing her gaze to the floor losing all her courage to look others in embarrassment.

" but tum faint kaise ho gayi ? " Raghav asked her.

" ohh come on Raghav. It's natural. Isn't it? After all seeing Manik Malhotra that too close can challenge anyone mental strength. Am I right or I am right ? " Manik acted showing fake proud to control the damage. He just couldn't let his cruel mother get little sense about Nandini.

" That is toh for sure. And wasevi my son is quite famous I mean infamous of making girls faint with his first appearance. So Nandini. Chill. You're also now in that brigade. " Niyonika smirked oblivious the fact that it was the third time she got fainted for her son.

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