Part 52

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"What the hell is that???? How could this be possible??? No no no... Its bad.. Its terribly bad news...Shit shit shit!!!!" 

Manik cursed loudly throwing his iPhone to the table of his office.  He was pulling is hair in frustration of the possible outcomes of the recent mishaps. He tilted his head and his bloodshot eyes stared to his loyal manager Aman. Aman understood the turmoil his boss was going through and said " sir, maybe we were been followed while entering to the hotel or one of the staff of the hotel might have stealthily  captured our photos while checking in. "

Manik didn't respond anything. All his mond was screaming of the outcomes Which were not be in his favor at all.

He was in his office going through the last minute song mixing when suddenly he got call from his PR team. He checked the mail they had sent him and it gave him chills then and there. In the same time, his manager rushed into his office bearing all details of the fiasco.

His and Nandini's picture in the news!!

In the photos, his face was clearly visible holding a woman who was much shorter in height, wearing his hoody and face covered. Few clicks of him hugging her.

The title of the news was " The Bad boy of music industry Manik Malhotra with his newest mystery woman!!! "

"sir, no worries, luckily Nandini mam's face is hidden by the hoodie. So no one can actually get her face with this photos. So nothing to worry about. I have ready had a word with our PR team head, Moitra. They will take care of this. It was a close call though."

It was indeed a close call. But Manik was not tensed because of the media but way more dangerous thing...His Witch of birth mother..

That was the reason  he never went for any outing with Nandini. He had always been more than careful so that his lovable secret would be secured and safe. All he was waiting  for Nandini adapt his life and vice versa. Then her to share about them with her two bestfriends and lastly her Masters to complete. So that she would be free from any clutches of his witch mother.

He was scared if Niyonika would get the grip of this then she would not spent a second of destroying Nandini's life. She would do everything monstrous to destroy his happiness. And that's scaring him to the core. He could never forgive himself of anything happened to her because of his venomous relationship with his mother.

Manik was thinking deep how to rectify this mistake and divert Niyonika's hawk eyes from his news. He needed to act first. He walked to the glass wall of his office and stared the busy Mumbai evening. And suddenly he knew what needed to be done to damage control. But before that first thing first  He needed to talk to Nandini.


Nandini couldn't believe her own eyes, her picture with Manik in the hotel was mocking her guts. She was scared. Though she was little bit relaxed that Abhi couldn't recognize her in that photo but she was not sure about Shreya. She knew her best friend and she knew it was just matter of time that her secret was about to unleash. Another thought was eating up her mind....SPACE Institute. She was scared whether anyone of SPACE could recognize her in the picture with Manik. That would be scandalous to get caught with your college guest mentor and insanely famous Rockstar outside of college premises  that too in a hotel.

She was scared for her grades, reputations and what not. But mostly she was scared, what would be Manik's reaction if she had to drop out or rusticated from college at this point of their vulnerable relationship. She was scared of Manik's reputation as well. Sje could overcome any hurdle in her life but any tiny  scratch of her World's King life, she would be devastated. Hot trails of tears were kissing her chubby chicks with the thought of losing Manik, made her heart sinking deep. She thought hard and dialed one number she thought she would ignore as much as possible.


The clock indicated 11:34 PM. Manik sighed a deep breath. He was late. Surprisingly he didn't get any calls from Nandini or Niyonika Per se. He knew that nandini never called him while he was in office or recording as according to her, she didn't want to disturb his work with her calls. but that day was different. He was expecting her worried calls but without getting any of those, made him little bit off the edge and worried. He unfortunately didn't get any spare moments to check up on her as well as he was clearing the mess with his PR team. His team had already started getting calls from media about the news and a bite. But they all knew the drill, fake it with silence and humor the media.

Manik was absolutely sure that Nandini got the news as being a fan girl, she would definitely go through all of the daily bites from him. It really irked him sometimes knowing that she was still the member of those 187 fan pages about him. Although the  count was double in the beginning but after long tiresome discussions with his fan girlfriend, he made her understood that she didn't need to be part of any of these as shr was not only his fan girl but live in loving girlfriend. There's nothing hidden from her about him and then somehow the numbers got reduced but not null as  in her own words " If I unfollow them, then where will I get your sexy sweets photos, clips from???"

Manik remembered the discussion clearly. And then he replied her that what was the need of saving his fan made photos when she already had tons of those and most exclusive and private ones as well. But it was impossible to bring out "A fan out of a fan girl" and he learnt  it in a hard way already in their nearly 9 months of relationship. 

They had kept their relationship on their safe cocoon with the help of his loyal team and manager. But now, everything is slipping away. Although he had taken care of the media. But his witch mother needed to be taken care of and he had already hatched a plan. But, his talk with  Nandini about this was equally needed.
With this thought, he called it a day and along with Aman, he left his office.


" Well well... looks like my darling son is again letting me win.. Manik... you are again in my  game baby. And trust me, I am loving this.. Finally, I got you..."

With that thought Niyonika took a delicious  sip her wine.

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