Intro: In an Instant

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"Are you nervous? I'm not." Willow says, doubting herself a little. She walks beside Ron, pushing her baggage cart. She had come to kings cross before, once with Molly and Ron to drop the twins off for their first year. Willow was very young and hardly remembers, but she knows it's clearly a different feeling and experience when you're the one going on the train.

"Not at all Will." Ron says, avoiding his best friend's eyes. They both have a tendency to push away their feelings instead of talking it out, even when its as simple as first day nerves.

Molly, Remus and Ginny walk ahead of the pair, rushing a little, and the twins are even further than them. The busy platform is full of muggles dashing to and fro. It's almost impossible to stay close to Remus and Molly, who scold the pair every couple of seconds for their slow paced walking. It seems almost as if Willow and Ron want to miss the train on purpose!

Willow taps the pocket of her robes, immediately feeling her wand resting snuggly. She got it only a week ago, and has been longing to do some spells with it. But Remus had told her they would send her to Azkaban with Sirius if she performed any magic, and that scared her enough. It was an absolutely beautiful 12 1/3 inch Laurel wood wand, with a unicorn hair core. Remus told her all her supplies were bought courtesy of Sirius, but she didn't understand how that could be true if he was in Azkaban!

"Hurry up you too!" Molly shouted again. Willow took this as a sign and decided to actually speed up this time. Although she was nervous out of her mind, she truly didn't want to miss the train. Remus would probably make them take the knight bus.

When the group ahead approached a stop, Willow realized they were about to cross over to the Hogwarts express platform. Remus had wandered a bit further than the 9 3/4's wall, examining the muggle trains ahead. She couldn't decide if she wanted to go stand with her father, or stay with Ron. It seems both the twins and Percy had already crossed through.

"It's Ron and Willow's first year too." Molly says when they get close enough. A very small raven-haired boy stands next to Molly with his own luggage cart. Willow and Ron smile at him hesitantly.

"Now all you've got to do is walk straight at that wall. It's best if you do it at a bit of a run." Mrs.Weasley explains to him. Ginny wishes him goodluck, before the boy runs straight through the wall.

"Why do you think he was alone?" Ron whispers to Willow, scared his mum might scold him for being nosy.

"He might be coming from an orphanage. Daddy came on the train alone when he was in school." Willow whispers back, as Remus comes back.

"Ready Will?" Remus asks, putting his hand on her shoulder. She gulps.

"You can go first Ron," She offers. Ron nods and dashes through the wall, Mrs.Weasley and Ginny follow him. Willow turns to her father, who smiles sadly.

"I think i'll just say goodbye to you here dear." He says, crouching down.

"Okay daddy," Willow whispers, a clump building up in her throat.

"Now, I hope you'll behave this year. Keep yourself and Ron out of trouble yeah? You're going to have so much fun." Remus says, kissing her forehead. Willow wraps him in a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you," She mumbles.

"I'm going to miss you too, Will. But please have fun. Make some new friends and learn a lot." Remus says, hugging her back. Remus is holding it together for Willow, but on the inside hes crying rivers.

"Come on Willow. You can't miss the train."Remus says, pulling away after a minute. He looks down at his puffy-eyed daughter. She looks so sad and helpless. After a quick scan of the area, he whips out his wand and makes the redness leave her eyes.

"No more crying." He says, kissing her forehead again.

"Okay, i'll go now." She says, positioning her luggage cart towards the platform. She gives Remus one last quick hug, before running at the platform. Remus watches his only daughter disappear in an instant, just as fast as his only love did. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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