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Started: December 31st 2021
Ended: TBD

Welcome to my story! THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR READING THIS STORY. It means everything to me. I have a few disclaimers before you begin!

While this is set in the Harry Potter universe, I won't be focusing on the main plot, more of the plot from a background characters Perspective. There are some things that are different, but you'll catch on to them as you read on. This story also centers around my o/c Willow, and everything in her life. This story starts in Willow's first year, but the first couple of years wont be super detailed an all considering you all know the plot line anyways. Beware: this isn't a fast moving story with regards to any relationships, so you may need a little patience. There are some trigger warnings along the way of the story. I won't be including smut in this story because of Wattpad's tendency to delete mature stories. Instead, when I eventually write smut into the story i'll include it in my big book of smut for you to read there, so my whole story doesn't get  deleted. Also, this story is going to be realistic. It's going to deal with real things like self harm, abuse, depression etc. Not all things are happy and sunshiny, if thats not what you're looking for, this isn't the book for you.

This story updates every Wednesday and Sunday as of now. To stay posted, follow me on here, or on tik tok @mrmalfoysapple

Anyways, thank you all again so much for stopping by.

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