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"Harold?" I questioned sheepishly, a look of realisation crossed his eyes and then a broad smile righteously made its way onto his lips. "Lou?" A little happy chuckle passed my lips, "Hi"

"Do you two know each other?" The man, whom I'd temporarily ignored due to Harold, questioned in a thick Irish accent.

"Yeah we uh, we met last night. At the ballroom gala I told you about Ni."

"Ah!" He hummed in acknowledgement.

"Hey um it might be rather forward of me to ask but would you consider going out to dinner with me? The Italian restaurant around the corner, if you fancy? Say seven p.m. on Friday if you're free that is?" I was rather took back by the offer as I didn't even expect him to greet me with such kindness or anything after last night - I hadn't a clue of how he felt about the incident.

"Uh sure! That'd be nice...thank you!" I didn't even know if I was free on Friday but I most likely was, if not then I'll most certainly cancel any and all plans for him.

"I'd love to get to know you, we could become great acquaintances." He winked at me when he was sure that his friend - Ni? - was pre-occupied with his meal. I felt myself flush, was he hinting at us becoming more than 'acquaintances'? Surely not. I was uncertain of his true meaning behind that so I temporarily dismissed it. My mind would surely, without fail, remind me later and undoubtedly send me into a little high school crush moment. Yikes..

I saw him smirk at my light - barely noticeable - blush. "You too, I'd better be off but it was great seeing you again Harold!" I said cheerfully, smiling at him sincerely. "See you soon Lou." He reciprocated the smile and I turned my back and sauntered off, my cheeks hurting from smiling at his use of my abbreviated name - I'm rather childish I know.



I'm nervous...my hands are trembling and I feel as if I'm going to faint. It's currently 5:45pm. I'm clad in a medium brown suit with a cream and brown coloured tie. My hair is neatly slicked back - not overly gelled. I was all ready but mentally I was unprepared. I never went on dates.

I stuffed my keys into my pant pocket, straightened my blazer and walked out the door. I was instantly met with the slightly chilly October air and shivered slightly but I quickly recovered and headed off to the Italian restaurant which was a mere fifteen minute walk.

I arrived early and swung open the door and walked up to the lady, "A table for two please?"

"Yes, follow me!" she said curtly and led me to a somewhat cliché set table in the far corner of the beautifully decorated restaurant. A soft hum of the piano played as I took a seat, thanking the lady.

I sat anxiously awaiting my date and scanned my eyes over the menu which lay in front of me. There were all sorts of foods listed which sounded delicious. A low-pitched cough disrupted my train of thought and I looked up to be greeted by his green eyes again. Oh how I loved his eyes. I'm infatuated, I know.

"Hello!" I piped up, flashing him a sincere smile and standing up to pull his chair out for him. "There's really no need to Lou but thank you." he reasoned with a low rumble of a chuckle. I smiled at him and sat back down.

"You're on time." I stated, he was quite punctual with his timing. It was 7pm on the dot when he arrived - me being early by only a few minutes.

"You say that as if I'd want to be late to a date with you."

"I was under the impression that you may have ended up being late to this date, I apologise." I grinned back at him, our playful conversation dying temporarily as we looked at our menus.

A waitress came over shortly after and asked for our drink orders, me being me, I ordered a fine red wine and Harold ordered the same - not fussy, I admire that. He'd probably be spectacular at negotiating I pondered as she wandered away into the crowd of other tables.

I tore my gaze away from the other people and focused my eyes on Harold who was coyly staring at me with a tilt to his lips.

"Are you a romantic?" I wondered out loud. He looked slightly off guard at the sound of my voice, a rosy tint appeared on his cheeks from being caught staring.

"I guess I am, I'm all for a cheesy romantic dinner and the occasional sweet, romantic gesture," I hummed in acknowledgement, "And you? Are you a romantic per se?"

"Hm, depends. I'd classify myself as one if the person I'm with is worth it."

"Worth it?" he quipped.

"I want to give my affection to someone who treats me right or at least respects me. I want my partner to also reciprocate my affection. I don't want to waste my time, I may be young but I'm not daft."
He hummed at my ramble, he's a good listener I noted. He listened attentively the whole time, a proper gentleman.

Our waitress served us our wine in two rounded glasses which had very intricate floral designs glazed into them. The half empty bottle [which she poured the wine from] was left in the middle, slightly off to the left, abandoned until we needed to refill our glasses.

"Thank you." we both chorused politely and she gave us a smile and briskly walked off.

"To new beginnings?" I questioned, raising my glass in the air, "To new beginnings." he confirmed, also raising his glass in the air to meet mine with a light clink.

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