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Taehyung POV

I knew he was going to get banned, I felt extremely guilty.......but I would have him to myself right? Exactly, that was a good thing. I flew back down to Hell's spawn point and saw a crying baby Devil. "Hm? A crying Devil? Come, I'll make you a real one" I said as I held my hand out slowly, and baby Kook slowly took it. I then teleported us to Jin's and Namjoon's castle, to meet up with a bunch of sinful noises coming out from their bedroom door. "These f*ckers" I mumbled under my breath. "Kookie, let's go, I'll show you to our room, okay?" I asked. "*sniff* o-okay...*sniff*" I cooed at the cute sight, then bringing him up to my chest, I cradled him in my arms and brought him to my room. I placed him gently down onto the bed and pulled up the covers for him to stay warm when sleeping. "Good night Kookie, I'll win your hear back again...." I said leaving the room. I closed the door, to then walk towards Namjoon and Jin's room. "Open up you mother f*ckers!" I yelled. "The f*ck do you want Tae?!" I heard Namjoon yell from inside. "Stop f*cking will you!? Kookie is sleeping!" I yelled. "You brought him here?!" Namjoon asked. "Yes I did, now if y'all wanna f*ck, do it quietly!" I yelled at them annoyed. I went upstairs to me and Kookie's room and went to the walk in closet to find something. I was looking for a book when I heard someone say, "T-TaeTae h-hyung?" I heard Kookie say sniffing a little. "Did you have a good sleep Kookie?" I asked. "Y-yes....b-but where is Jiminie hyung and Yoongi hyung?!" He said then started crying. "Shhhhhh.....hyung's here....." I said as I rocked him back and forth in my arms. "D-does TaeTae hyung love little Kookie?" He asked me. "Of course! TaeTae hyung loves Kookie!" I said smiling.

2 years later (human) (2,000 years later heaven/hell years)

Jungkook POV

It was my first time going out after I've arrived in hell, I was excited, but scared, there's a lot of bad guys here in hell.....so, Namjoon hyung said I could go with TaeTae hyung! How lucky am I? Deep down, I loved TaeTae hyung with my life....ooooh~ his thick thighs.......his plump lips.......let alone his thin waist...I wanna devour him. But I didn't love him because of his looks, it's because how he treated me, he would always listen, play, and help me whenever I needed it, he was there when I needed it, he was caring, kind, beautiful. Tae cut off my thoughts by saying, "let's go Kookie" I smiled and nodded. As we were walking outside, I saw a lot of females and males eye-f*cking Tae, I pulled him closer and hissed at them, warning them to back off, he's mine. "K-Kookie...y-you're scaring them..." he said. "Good" I growled once more. We continued walking while I continued growling at anyone that is eyeing Tae. He's mine, and one day I'll make him yell my name over and over again, just wait for it.I thought as I smirked. I felt Tae's hand become cold in my hands, I took off my gloves and handed it to him. He smiled at me and put them on, then hugging me so I'd stay warm too. I smiled at him. (A/N: this is a taekook moment that melted my heart 🥺😭) "lets go back home now, it's getting cold and dark" I said. I heard no reply so I turned around and saw Tae sleeping on me, using his arms to stay balanced. I smiled at the sight and turned around, then carrying Tae bridal style. As I walked home, I felt watched, but in a good way, I sensed an light aurora near, so I turned around, and saw Jimin and Yoongi hyung standing there, tears in there eyes. I stood there shocked, but relieved at the same time. I slowly jogged up to them since Tae was still in my arms. "H-hyung?" I managed to whisper out. "K-Kookie...." I heard Jimin start. I then felt triple the weight I had on me already, and I knew they were hugging me. "W-where were you?" Jimin asked me while sniffing. "W-wait...w-what are you guys doing here?" I asked them confused since angels weren't allowed in hell. "H-he banned us..." Jimin said looking down. "He banned you too right?" Yoongi questioned. "Y-yeah..." I said then looking down at Tae, who was still sleeping. Thanks to Namjoon's training, I've earned 8 pack abs that I was sure Tae would drool over, and it also came in handy when carrying him. "W-well...I'm sure Tae's parents wouldn't mind if you guys stay over..." I said then motioning them to follow. As we got to the castle gates, I hears Jimin squeak out, "wow! They live in a castle!" With star eyes. Yoongi chucked at him and I smiled at him. "Sir Jungkook, you're back...with guests?" a guard said while bowing down. "Yes, I'm back, and I've brought a few guests that will stay with us" I said. "Shall I prepare each of them their own rooms?" He guard asked. "No, they can share a bed" I said smirking at them, well, more like me and Yoongi smirking at Jimin, while he was beat red. "Yes sir, I shall tell the maids to prepare their room" the guard said then wrote something on a piece of paper, snapped, and the piece of paper disappeared. "The maids will be preparing the room right now, welcome home sir's" the guard bowed down to all of us and let us inside. "WOW! You guys live in this luscious mansion?!" Jimin asked with big star eyes. "Yes" I said then chucked. Yoongi also laughed at his husband's cute reaction. "Good evening sir's, I've prepared your room, follow me towards your room" a maid said to Jimin and Yoongi. They looked at me asking for permission to leave, I nodded and they left. I brought me and Tae to our room and started getting the bath ready while he was sleeping on the big sofa in our room. As the bath was ready, I went to Tae and picked him up, undressing him to give him a bath. I gulped as I saw his beautiful curves, milky thighs, pink lips, fluffy hair, a small cute stomach. His entire feature was just....mesmerizing. I snapped out of my thoughts as I remembered that I had to bathe my Tae. I softly started rubbing him, while cleaning him. After cleaning him, I got the clothes on the sink counter, drying him, I slipped him in apparently, my clothes. Well, I could say he looked extremely cute in my clothes that was too big for his thin figure. I smiled and went to take a bath myself, then slipping into bed with him, wrapping an arm around him, keeping him warm, and protected. I love you Kim Taehyung.....I thought as I fell asleep.


Welcome back to another chapter, but sadly, it has come to an end, sorry for not updating so much, but I'll try my best, thank you all for reading, and supporting, you guys really don't know how thankful I am for you guys to read my books, I'm still learning English, and I think I'm slowly improving, what do you guys think? Anyways, I love you! And have a great day/night lovelies!


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