Chapter 1: The meeting

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Ronnies POV:

Do you know the feeling that you can love someone one minute and the next you are so annoyed that you're asking yourself why you willingly choose to spend time with that person? I'm feeling that right now.

I'm currently driving to the golf club with two golf bags with all the shit you need for playing golf ( I couldn't name them if I tried). Your probably wondering why I'm driving to the golf club if I can't even name all the equipment. Well I'm driving there because I'm a pretty good friend if I say so myself. I'm driving there for my best friend, Niall Horan. That bitch wants to play golf without thinking of bringing his own stuff. So I'm doing that for him instead .

I stop the car before the entrance of the club and spot my (fake) blond friend happily chitchatting to a brunette. I groan while grabbing the bags out of the trunk and make my way to that so called friend.

''Here, next time you decide to play golf please remember bringing your stuff,'' with that I drop the bags in front of his feet.

"I love you too and thank you."

He grabs the bags and throws one over his schouder and hands the other one to the brunette. I roll my eyes and plaster a fake smile on my face.

"You owe me McDonald's."

At that Niall laughs while shaking his head but we both know he has no choice. He then points to the person standing next to him.

"This is Harry, I met him last week at work and we're going to play golf together."

I turn my attention to Harry and right as I open my mouth to introduce myself he speaks first.
"Hi I'm Harry," he holds his hand in front of himself for me to shake.
Niall starts laughing and pats him on the shoulder. "Real smooth man I just said that."
Harry turns red and takes his hand half back.

"Right... uhm sorry I meant nice to meet you."

I smile and still grab his hand to shake.
"It's okay Harry. Nice to meet you too, I'm Ronnie."At my hand shake Harry gets even redder.

"Hi Ronnie."

He smiles at me and there are appearing dimples which is cute....

"Hi well it was nice to meet you Harry but I must leave you boys and your golf, I have things to do besides being your assistance Niall."

I point at him and he simply rolls his eyes. I turn around and begin walking back to my car when Harry calls a goodbye. I look over my shoulder and wave with a smile and a small bye.
Okay right.. back to my own life. Well for a couple of hours because tonight Niall sings at the bar and of course as the good friend I am, I'm going to watch. While thinking of what to wear and deciding it's probably going to end with jeans and a cozy jumper, I'm driving home smiling at the thought of my best friend on stage.

Harry's POV:

Wow.... just wow. I watch as she steps in her car and drives away.

"Who was that?" I ask a little to breathless.

Besides me Niall snorts.

"That my Harry, was Ronnie aka my best friend sinds freshman year of collage."

I blink once. I don't think I have ever seen someone as beautiful as her. I clear my throat.
"Uhm golf.... yeah we're here for golf."
Niall barks a laugh while shaking his head and walking to the golf course.


Later that night I find myself standing in the bars bathroom. Tonight is the first night I get to play in front of the audience with Niall.

Okay Harry deep breath, you can do this.

Right as I'm walking out of the bathroom I spot her at the bar talking to Niall. She's in jeans and a dark blue jumper with her dark brown hair falling in waves over her shoulders. Okay I can do this. Just walk up to them and say hello. No big deal.

I start walking in their direction when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see that it is the owner of the bar.

"Harry your up next."

I smile and nod, maybe next time I can say hello to her. I give them one last look before walking to the stage. A girl just ends her song and receives her applause.

This is it. First a song on my own and then two with Niall. The girl has left the stage and that's my cue. I take a deep breath and grab my guitar and walk up the stage.
It's a small stage with a view on the bar and the little dance floor (more like a little open space to dance in between the tables).

"Hello everyone and good evening. My name is Harry and I will be singing three songs tonight, two of them with my friend Niall... uhm I guess this is Girl Crush." I close my eyes and begin playing my guitar.

I got a girl crush. Hate to admit it but I got a heart rush. It ain't slowing down.

I open my eyes and immediately make eye contact with Ronnie. I try not to get distracted by her gaze. She gives me a small smile and I see Niall grinning besides her.

I wanna tastes her lips.

I try my best not to stare at her lips but it's hard. I turn my body a bit so I can't look directly at her and finish the song this way. Once I play the last cord people are cheering. I smile and look at the room. There are a lot of colleges students and some older couples just enjoying the music. My gaze returns to Ronnie and she's smiling while clapping her hands. I think I can feel my cheeks heat up but I'm trying my best to ignore that. Just as I notice Niall not standing beside her someone speaks trough the mic.

"Thank you Harry that was amazing." Niall smiles at me.

"Now for the next two songs I want you all dancing."

Ronnies POV:

They're amazing. They just finished their first song and are getting ready for their last song: Dance with somebody by Mando Dia. I make my way to the little dance floor so I can dance to one of my favorites songs. I look up and see Harry smiling at me. I smile back and look at Niall who just winks.

"Thank you for being our audience tonight. This is Dance with somebody."

They start playing and I close my eyes and begin swinging my body to the music. While I'm dancing I can feel someone's gaze on me. I open my eyes and look just in time to see Harry averting his gaze to something else and Niall just shakes his head while smiling. The song ends and everyone is standing and cheering them on. Harry is blushing and Niall just beams. I smile and make my way back to the bar to ask Nico the barman for my stuff.

I'm checking my phone when someone hugs me from behind. I smile and turn around in the arms that are holding me.

"You were amazing Niall!"

Nialls eyes sparkle from excitement. "I know right! It felt amazing."

I pet him on his cheek. "Listen I'm sorry but I have to go. I need to finish a story for work."

Niall pouts and takes a step back so I'm out of his arms. "Fine, drive safe and I will see you tomorrow or something."

"I will and tell Harry I thought it was a great show."

With that I give him a kiss on the cheek and make my way to my car. Already dreading the work waiting for me.

So that was the first chapter. Is it any good? And what do we think of the length of the chapter? Let me knowww.

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