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And just like that, everything was in ruins

Tear stained skin, rosy cheeks and bloodshot eyes as the trashcan in her room filled up with balled up tissue paper

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Tear stained skin, rosy cheeks and bloodshot eyes as the trashcan in her room filled up with balled up tissue paper.
The inability to stop her tears amplified each time she would think about what had happened yesterday, pressing her hand against her mouth.

Hot flushes cascaded down the length of her body, eyes burning and chest seizing up each time she tried to breathe and a panic kicked in after feeling suffocated by it all.

Her eyes casted over to her desk where all the ripped up paper laid scattered, her attempts to fix them back together had ended in a crying mess. Head pounding from the tears she cried and the clock had turned 14:56

She had a lecture in four minutes but the girl was in no state to even get out of bed.
A knock on her door pulled her out of her saddening daze.

"Yeonhee? Are you awake?" Hyunjae asked worriedly after seeing a tear stricken Yeonhee exiting her room last night to retrieve tape from the kitchen.
"Yeah." She replied, voice lacklustre and small.

"What's wrong?" She asked as Yeonhee's reply was stagnant.
"Just...not feeling too good right now." She explained briefly, not feeling like speaking on it as the whole situation happened so fast and was so unexpected that it left her speechless.

"What's wrong? Do you need any medicine?"
"No, no it's okay. Just a headache, sorry I can't drive you today."
"Don't worry, I'll bring you back some food when I come home. You should rest."

Yeonhee waited until the front door closed until she let out a sad exhale, rubbing at her already burning eyes.
The girl was at a loss, feeling her whole world flip in a matter of a few hours. She was so happy earlier yesterday until she came home.

Glancing up at the ceiling in order to stop the inflow of tears that once more spiked at her dull eyes.
"Stop crying." She muttered to herself, pulling her blanket higher to her chin as she sniffled.

Though she had other messages to reply to, the girl's thumb hovered over Mark's, clicking onto it as the bright light burned into her eyes.


Yoooo it's been so long since I celebrated with dream like this comeback wow man
Im actually so happy right now dude like everyone is having so much fun

Yeonhee's thumbs hovered over the keyboard, eyes drifting over his message and she shook her head.
She couldn't tell him, not when he was so happy right now. She couldn't be selfish and dump her issues onto him.

Instead of blurting out her sadness, she couldn't find herself to even give a half hearted reply, exiting out of the chat and briefly skimming through the other group chats she was in.

Late replies ☾ Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now