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She would rain all day couldn't wait for her sun to shine
And you made it shine

Yeonhee didn't know if was too harsh, if her words hurt Mark but what she said wasn't wrong

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Yeonhee didn't know if was too harsh, if her words hurt Mark but what she said wasn't wrong. He was an idol and he can't risk being caught...just one of the restrictions in potentially having a relationship with an idol.

She had stopped crying now, the pain behind her eyes blooming and spreading across the expanses of her head. Seated at the swing with her head against the cold rail, feeling numb but everything at once.

Blank eyes staring ahead at the view of the grey clouds interwoven through the everlasting canvas of the velvet black sky.

Was it even worth telling her all of that?

A sigh left her lips, rubbing at her eyes as she stood up with her legs trembling slightly and her lethargic steps were slow while walking back to her apartment.

The fluorescent lights around her only agonised her head more, thumping surging through her in strikes of pain.
It was colder now, the first few droplets of cold rain drizzling down but Yeonhee didn't have the heart to rush home.

Her tear stained cheeks were becoming wet with the rain droplets cascading down her skin, her hair becoming darker in tone.
The rain fell faster as it synced up with her pained heart, a heaviness she couldn't overthrow or a hurt she couldn't ease.

"How was the birthday party?" She heard a warm, comforting voice ask interestedly, lifting her eyes to see a Mother fondly running her fingers through her daughters hair as she held an umbrella over them.

Yeonhee's eyes lingered on them from afar as they talked amongst each other, arms linked with a bond that could only explain a maternal love.

Her jacket was only thin, doing little to nothing against the rain without a hood to over her head but her focus couldn't stay on that. Instead she wondered if she was being dramatic, second guessing everything again.

A sniffle escaped her, the tip of her nose and her cheeks flushed red from the cold as she reached the stairs of her apartment complex- trudging steps to the elevator.

Silence consumed the atmosphere around her, a sullen depressive mood settling over the heartbroken girl.
As she was pressing in the code to her apartment, Yeonhee pushed the door open to walk through it then letting it close behind her.

As soon as she emerged through the doors, the anxious figure on her sofa shot up and was in front of her within a split second. Half catching Yeonhee off guard but her eyes were still lined red with a flush of the cold creating a hue of red which dusted across her face.
Rain droplets clung to her skin, trailing down her hair.

"You could get sick in the rain you know? It's cold out too, you should have taken an umbrella with you at least or picked up my calls I was like worried something happened-" Mark's slight ramble was halted as soon as her eyes met his, the furrow between his brows easing when he looked down at her glassy eyes that peered up at him.

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