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I can't write one song that's not about you

I can't write one song that's not about you

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Onyourm__ark's story

"Isn't this cute? Oh my god, wait! Look, look at this

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"Isn't this cute? Oh my god, wait! Look, look at this." Yeonhee exclaimed excitedly, hurrying over to the section which attracted her attention.

She could hear Mark laughing from somewhere behind her, causing her to spin around and look at her boyfriend. The apples of his cheeks were more accentuated at the attempt to suppress his smile- he failed.

"What are you looking at weirdo." She raised her eyebrows at him.
"I'm the weirdo?"
"Yeah, you're just stood there grinning- pretty weird if you ask me." She commented, turning around to look at the various stuffed toys.

Mark walked to her, his hands lingered on her waist as he stood behind her and his lips adoringly kissed the side of her head.
"You're cute."

She lightly leaned her head back on him.
"We should get one for Grayson, we're seeing him later. It would be cute to give him a stuffed toy."
"Yeah, yeah I agree that would be so cute. Which one are you thinking of?" He questioned as she hummed indecisively.

The two of them were shopping around Ikea, mostly for fun but Yeonhee did need a new wardrobe and desk.
"You know, I can't wait till I can decorate our whole house."
"Honestly, you got that. I have no clue how to decorate a house like that seems so hard man." He shook his head and she laughed as they walked around the isles.

"Can we get a cat?"
"Dude, cats are cute but wouldn't Milo fight with it?"
"Nah Milo is cool. We should get a whole cinema room, imagine."
"Oii, wait that's so cool dude. You know, what would be cool? Like if I had a studio, office type thing like right now making music in my room isn't as good as the studio."

Yeonhee nodded, walking alongside her boyfriend as they browsed through the isles to reach the ones they wanted.
"I genuinely need to move out, like they found out that I'm not even a student anymore and said I had like 2 months to leave."
"What are you going to do? You know you could always stay in the dorms with me."

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