Chapter 1

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Lights, camera, ACTION. The spotlight was on me i looked to the crowd and i danced like i never had before, twirling and jumping then i made my leap into the arms of....... Baaaaah ah i woke up to the noise of my dads sheep carl, ugh he always hast to ruin the mood.

I get down stairs running past  my dad whos eating breakfast , honey wont you atleast eat something before you leave he asked, sorry pops but im gonna be late for my audition, at least take a slice of bread, i grabbed a pice of bread, happy im going now bye!! I kissed him on the cheek and ran out of the house.

I got to my car and started it as usual it didn't start, i hopped out of the car and kicked it in the bumper then the engine raored, buying a 1956 mustange for 200 bucks means it not in it prim anymore.

Arizona State University the most beautiful dance school on the planet i can wait to audition, i look at the time better  hurry or ill be late.

I enter the theater and see a stage hand, excuse me where do i audition , Hello you must be   Signy, thats me! But where am i supposed to get ready and stuff, dont worry ill show you.

The stage hand leads me to a small change room, you can change here when your ready come  find me ill be by the props, ok thank you, the stage hand walks off, well i guess i should get changed.

After i come out of the change room i walk to props to look  for the stage hand, Ow  hey!! Look where your going you idiot!, sorry miss i was looking for the change room, i look up to see a man standing in front  of me, ugh its that way and try not to bump into random girls will ya!, the man walked off laughing, what a weirdo.

I find the stage hand painting something on one of the props, excuse me sir, he looks at me, ahh if it isnt Signy you ready for the audition, i hope so im really nervous, dont worry about it youll be fine, come on  your partner should be ready by now, PARTNER i didn't know i had to dance with someone, ah yes his name is Aldous hes a great ballerino very flexable,come now you dont want to be late, great now i havt to dance with someone.

I walk on stage and look at the coaches, alright state your name and something about your self,
Hi im Signy and im 18 years old and im auditioning for the role of Odette for swan lake.
Alright and wheres  your partner, well i actually dont know , sorry im late im here! Can we start, state your name and part your auditioning for,
My name is Aldous  and im auditioning for the role of Prince Siegfried, alright please start.
We start danceing i realize Aldous is the same guy i yelled at a few minutes ago, great my dance partners gonna hate me, i do my part in the dance and before i know it the audition is over,  after the coaches tell us how we did we leave the stage.

Hey! Signy just wanted to say you did great out there said Aldous, thanks not so bad yourself,  thanks ive been practiceing, well i havt to go to class have a good day and cya around!, yea cya he waves at me and  leaves the room.

Before i leave  i see another guy walk on stage he looks familiar i walk ia little closer to see who it is, alright state your name and part your auditioning for, Hi my names Audwin and im auditioning for the part of Von Rothbart, alright please start.

After he finished he exists the stage i run up behind him and slap him in the back of the head, Ow who did that, he turns  around face red in anger and he sees me and smiles, Signy i haven't seen you in forever, he hugs me, Audwin i didn't know you where coming here for school!, didn't you get my text, he asks confused, or are you ignoring me?, NEVER your to bothersome for me to ignore, well lets catch up what do ya say, hmh why not im not doing anything! Great lets go theres a new cafe that opened up.

We enter the cafe and i see Aldous he looks like hes waiting for someone, i should go say hi, to that guy said Audwin, yea hes my dance partner, and hes my brother.

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