Chapter Two

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Running a good distance away from the Joestar mansion, Jonathan stopped under a tree as he felt burns on his calves. Sitting under the shade the tree provided, Jonathan pulled up his pant legs and found sunburn marks and cracks on his calves. "Oh, looks like I'm going to have to be extra careful in sunlight." Jonathan remarked as he felt that the sun was now an enemy to him, one that could turn him into dust if he isn't being careful. "Whoa!" Jonathan remarked as he saw the cracks on the sunburned skin heal up, closing up as the skin around it returned to its normal color. "So even with clothes on my skin will burn under sunlight, understood." Jonathan noted in his mind. He felt like he was in the dark with how little he knew about his new condition. Jonathan had heard about vampires from stories and folktales but he wasn't sure if he could rely on those. Jonathan had a feeling that he was going to have to find out about being a vampire himself.

"Where should I go to train myself? I need a place to stay while tackling this new life." Jonathan wondered, thinking about possible locations that he could make into a temporary home while he trained himself. He knew of a cave near the mansion that could be a good place to stay while he could also stay away from humans. But he knew that he had a massive problem that he needed to take into account for his temporary home, the need for human blood. Jonathan knew that he had to feed this new horror hunger, or a repeat of what happened in the mansion with Dio would occur. But Jonathan didn't like either of these options as both violated his want to be a true gentleman. "How could I solve this issue? If I starve myself, I'll degrade into a beast and attack an innocent person. Perhaps even killing them." Jonathan thought. Dio was lucky that the sun saved him at the last second but the next victim might not have the same luck. "But if I feed on people, then I could become a monster. I don't want to prey on people, I want to help them." Jonathan added. It felt like his humanity was holding onto a rope that was growing thinner and thinner, threatening to snap at anytime.

"Wait, what if I could drink from people without killing them? That could be possible. Maybe the blood could be donated to me!" Jonathan added to his thoughts.

It sounded like the perfect solution to his issue, he would be satisfying his thirst for blood while it would be in a way that wouldn't go against his morals. But this solution presented a huge challenge, finding people that would be willing to donate blood to him. He knew that he couldn't go back to the mansion to ask for help now that Dio saw him as a monster and would surely spread the word quickly. "Well, I can't use that solution, can I?" Jonathan thought, the only other way he could think of getting blood ethically would be if he were to make a trade with someone. Jonathan thought of a deal he could offer to someone, that he could give them money in exchange for some of their blood. But again, the problem with that would be finding people would be willing in that sort of deal.

"I don't think people would take up that deal." Jonathan thought, who would agree to such a strange deal being offered by a monster? "How in the world am I going to keep myself satisfied?" Jonathan asked myself. He felt powerless against his thirst, it was going to get what it wanted no matter what.

But then a stroke of genius hit him as Jonathan came up with a new solution.

"What if I were to get blood from criminals? I don't think I would feel quite so guilty if I were to feed on them." Jonathan thought. It still bugged him that he would be forcefully taking blood from someone but he knew that was the best option he had as of now. "I'll go to Orge street in London, I heard that a lot of criminals are in that part." Jonathan added, figuring out where he was going to reside while he would get a grip on his new curse.

But as he started to carefully walk to his destination, Jonathan spotted a familiar figure walking towards him. "Oh, there you are JoJo!" Erina Pendleton greeted as she spotted him. "Oh nuts, what am I going to do?" Jonathan thought as he remembered that they are planning to go on a picnic today, seeing the picnic basket on her arm. "Please stay away from me! Or at least keep a good few feet away from me." Jonathan told Erina, not wanting to be too close to her in fear of triggering his bloodthirst. "What? But why?" Erina asked, confused by Jonathan's request. She also noticed how he was holding up an umbrella even though the skies were clear. "Erina, I'm not quite sure if I can explain to you what has happened to me. At least, if you would believe me." Jonathan replied. "What is it? You do look different." Erina asked, noticing that some of his teeth looked quite sharp. Jonathan quickly thought about if he should tell her. On one hand, he trusted Erina and she was quite understanding, so she could perhaps believe him. But on the other hand, Jonathan didn't want to freak Erina out. She could think that he had gone crazy or something like that. Erina was his girlfriend, so it mattered heavily to Jonathan on whether she would believe and understand what happened to him.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood: The Vampiric Joestar.Where stories live. Discover now