Chapter 4

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Date: Friday, September 3rd

Tomorrow night Tyler, Grayson, Hunter, and Jake are going to a party but I don't want to go. It's a popular kid party and I just won't have any fun since parties aren't really my thing. Bryce has a night shift at the hospital meaning that I would have to stay home alone. Now you're probably thinking that I should love to stay home alone considering I am always around one of my brothers but no I am terrified to stay home alone after what happened during the summer a year ago when I was left alone for about an hour.


Bryce is at work, Tyler, Grayson, Hunter, and Jake were all at their friend's houses and Evan just left about 15 minutes ago to get some stuff from the store. I was finally home alone, away from all of my brothers for what felt like the first time in my life. I love having the freedom of doing whatever I want.

Currently, I am in the living room watching Outer Banks for what is probably my 5th time. This show is so good and Rudy Pankow is just so hot. I am at the scene where JJ and John B go up into the motel and JJ says "Housekeeping." That seriously cracks me up every time.

It's now been about 30 minutes since Evan left and I just got a text from him saying that he will be home in 10 minutes.

All of a sudden I hear a crash coming from the Kitchen. Which to me sounds like someone broke the window. What the fuck? Someone must be in the house and it can't be Evan since he said he would be home in 10 and all of my other brothers are staying the night at their friend's house. Now I hear footsteps. I can feel my heart beating super fast and I'm on the verge of crying. What the fuck do I do?  I hear more crashing sounds coming from the dining room and I get a glimpse of the person. He is definitely not anyone I know and he's like 10 times my size. I make a quick decision to run straight into the bathroom, Quietly of course.

Luckily I had my phone in my pocket. Now, do I call or text one of my brothers? Fuck it I'm going to quickly text Bryce and Call Evan.

To: Big Bro

ME: HELP! someone is in the house

I hear the footsteps get closer to the bathroom but then I hear them go upstairs. At this point, I have slid down the wall and have silent tears falling down my face and my hands are shaking, I barely am able to click Evans's contact but somehow I do.

After the third ring, Evan finally picks up.

"Hey, L. Is everything ok? I am only 5 minutes from home."

"Evan someone is in the house, I am scared," I whispered.

"OMG. Where are you? Did you call the police?"

"I'm hiding in the downstairs bathroom and no I forgot to."

How could I forget? I am so dumb.

"Ok. Stay there. I am going to call the police. I will be there in a few minutes."

Now I am hyperventilating and feel like I could pass out at any moment. What if this guy has a gun? What if the police don't get here fast enough and he finds me and kills me? So many bad thoughts running through my mind.

I then hear heavy footsteps running down the stairs. I hear the doorknob jiggle. Shit, he is trying to get in here. This is it I am dead. Tell my brothers that I love them. I hear a bang that sounded like the front door being opened.


"You are under arrest for breaking and entering."

A few minutes later there was a knock on the bathroom door but I was too scared to even open it.

"L it's me, Evan, I am going to unlock the door now and come in,"

He comes walking in and crouches down to me. I am still full-on crying and shaking. He opens up his arms and I just crash right into them crying into his chest.

"Evan, that was so scary."

"I know it was but it's over now."

"I thought he was going to kill me."

"It's ok L you are safe now."

I stay In his arms for a few minutes. I then look up to see Bryce standing by the door. I jump out of Evan's arms right into his arms.


After that night for at least a month, I wouldn't even sleep in my own room because I was so scared. I had to either sleep with Hunter, Evan or Bryce. The other three wouldn't let me sleep with them but whatever I felt safer with Hunter, Evan, and Bryce anyway. I also had to see a therapist for a few months after that. However, I still get nightmares every once in a while about it.

Anyway back to the present, I am currently trying to get Bryce to let me go to the hospital with him and stay in his office.

"Please Bryce. I can't stay home alone and you know that. Not after what happened last year. I can see if Jake will pick me up after the parties over so you don't have to worry about me all night."

"I don't know Alexis. Why can't you just go to the party with your brothers?"

Is he seriously that stupid? He knows why.

"You know exactly why. For a very smart person that was the dumbest question, you could ever ask. But you know what? Fine I will just stay home alone.  I will be scared the entire time and hope no one comes and kills me but if they do then that's your fault. Thanks for being such a caring brother Bryce," I say while rolling my eyes.

He sighs and then says, "Ok fine. You can come but you have to stay in my office and can only leave if you need to use the bathroom."

"Yay thank you. You're the best big brother."

"Yeah yeah. Be ready to leave by 4 pm."

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