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After we clean up Andy and Sam brings me outside where the rest of the pack is in their wolf form. The howls once Andy and Sam shifts into their wolf body. They shift back, but their eyes tell me their wolf are in control.

"Are you ready my love?" Andy's wolf asks.

Rumor has it that on a full moon night their abilities are highten and The Alphas mate with their Luna under the full moon. Her scent and cum allows the rest of the pack have pups quicker than without. Once the pack has this they go off into a different part of the pack or woods and mate. Pack members who have not found their mate either guards the pack, watches over the pack pups, or has sex with the person they are with.

"Is the rumor true?"

"Yes love." Sam's wolf says.

I gulp in nervousness and nod.

Andy and Sam then has me go back inside to change into the moon blanket and come out. Once I walked back out only wearing the blanket they grab me kissing their marks.

Rated R Sex Scene

They lay me down on the ground blocking the Pack's view while unwrapping the blanket. Once they lay in on me they get under it and start massaging my pussy lips. I wanted to moan, but with the pack so close and able to here me I surpressed my moans. Sam nibbles on his mark then Andy does the same thing making the moans slip out of my lips.


They smirk and continue their loving assulting on my body.

"Andy! Sam!"

Andy moves me allowing Sam to enter my ass while he enter my pussy.


They pound into me softly, but fast allowing me to adjust a bit.


The move at an inhuman speed making me cum over and over and over again. They keep going until they cum then they switch. Once Sam dick is in my pussy and Andy's dick is in my ass they continue.


I cum making them smirk and pick up their pace.


I can hear the pack starting to mingle.

Andy pinches my nipples making my boobs squirt milk onto Sam. Sam picks up his pace making me cum. Andy then massages my boobs until both cum in me making me cum along with them.

Andy moves and collects our cum puting it into spray bottles while Sam holds onto me while I come down from my climax.

Rated R Sex Scene Over

Andy passes out the spray bottles then tells them to spray their mating area.

"With this spray the area you have chosen out here in our territory under the full moon. Once you spray it all around your area you can go at it. Make sure you do not waste time if you plan to have pups. Since it will only last until the sun is in the sky. Now go to it." Andy starts saying and Sam finishes.

Andy and Sam then helps me up and brings me into the house. They help me wash up and then we are in bed once our babies are asleep. I take this time to think and realize even though their was a full moon before this was the first time we did the ritual. I knew it was because now the whole pack knows I am their true Luna and they have accepted that.

"Want to go for another round love?" Sam whispers into my ear making Andy's eyes light up.

I nod and we mate enjoying our other half's body until it is 4 am. They then cuddle with me and we fall asleep.

Werewolves?  Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now