Chapter 4

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Derek and Spencer arrived at Anna's house. They could hear screaming from the inside.

"FBI!" Derek yelled and kicked down the door. "Leave or I'll kill her!" Dylan yelled with a gun pointed at Anna's head. "Dylan put the gun down." Spencer said in a stern voice. "She lied to me!" Dylan yelled. "What did she lie about?" Spencer asked. "She lied to the kids about why we're divorced. She said I was because I beat her. I never laid a hand on her!" "Yes you did you would hit me all the time in front of the kids!" Anna yelled "shut up!" Dylan yelled and moved the gun closer to her head. "Dylan, I'm sure Anna is very sorry for lying to your kids, aren't you Anna." Spencer said. "Yes, I'm sorry Dylan. You never hurt me." "See I never did anything!" Dylan yelled. "Okay, I believe you. I need you to take the gun away from Anna's head now." Spencer said. "No, this bitch is going to get what she deserves." Said Dylan. Dylan was just about to pull the trigger when he suddenly fell down. Derek shot him. Spencer ran over to Dylan and checked for a pulse, It wasn't there. "Oh my god." Anna said sobbing.

Aaron and the rest of the team showed up after everything happened. "Is he gone?" Aaron asked. Spencer nodded. Eventually the paramedics came and took Dylan's dead body away.

The team went back to the NYPD Headquarters and started to pack up. "Thank you for helping us." Said Captain Holt. "Of course." Said Aaron.

When Spencer was done packing he started to look around for Emma. "Looking for something?" Emma said out of no where. "I was actually looking for you." Spencer said with a smile. "Really?" "Yeah tonight is my last night here for a while and I was hoping that you could show me around." Spencer said in a nervous voice. "Yeah, I would love to." Emma said with a smile.

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