Terushima (28)

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Kyoutani was sleeping so soundly, I was scared to move. I heard my dad get up a while ago. I wanted to join him for coffee, and maybe talk to him. To be honest, any nerve racking feeling I felt was spent on last night. I feel so embarrassed for how nervous I was, but it's Kyoutani.... I can be myself around him, and I know that. Hey, at least I wasn't the one taking it up the ass.



Never say that a loud. Never say that a loud.

I snuggled closer, rubbing my nose against his own. He grimaced in his sleep and almost turned away, but he must of remembered it was me or something because his frown turned into a smile. My arm that he was laying on was going a bit numb, but I didn't mind because he lifted his hand from out the blanket to curl his fingers around my own.

I know he's not one for super romantic cliche things, but my god am I. "Hi princess."

He laughed a little, turning his body to bury his face in my chest. He spoke quietly, his voice deep and muffled. "I like when you call me that..." He kissed my chest. "I'm so happy right now."

I smirked, kissing his head and squeezing him. "Me too. Do you wanna take a shower first before we head to school?"

"Just let me stay here for a bit longer." He groaned. It was so cute, I wanted to shower him in kisses. It never occurred to me I could feel like this.


I sat at the table, my dad not even noticing. I tilted my head, tapping his coffee cup trying to get his attention. When he looked up at me, I saw a look of confusion on his face. However, it faded quickly. I slowly brought my own cup to my lips. He always says I'm too young to drink coffee, but never actually stops me from drinking it.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, seeming how he doesn't usually let his stress show when he's around me. Must be a parental thing I don't know, but my mom also never let me see how stressed she was.

He cleared his throat. "How was your night?" He asked ignore my question.

Somewhere in the back of my head, I could see Kyoutani. His big chest, and flat stomach that's more muscle than abs. His thighs, thick and soft. His hands, that never seemed to stop grabbing at my hair, or my arms. The vein in his neck that popped out when he came. Fuck, it was not something I should be thinking about while sitting at the table with my father, but that's how my night went.

"Fine, I guess." I told him. I wasn't lying, but god I wasn't telling the whole truth.

He nodded. "Good good, um..." he cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact with me. "Wheres Kyo anyway?"


"Hmm okay. Well that gives me time to talk to you about something I guess."

I nodded at him, playing with my tongue ring in my mouth, dragging it across my bottom lip than chewing the metal between my teeth.

My father watched me before sighing. "I'm gonna marry Aoi."

I suddenly bit too hard and too far, causing myself to bite my tongue. I winced and quickly covered my mouth like that would help. Instead I just clenched my jaw hoping the pain would go away.

"Now before you over react, hear me out." My dad said. He was lucky my tongue was in throbbing pain otherwise I'd interrupt him. "I know I said all those things, but Yuuji, the more I watch you grow, the more I realize I'm going to be alone."

I shook my head. "No. Don't even think that. I'm not going anywhere."

"But you are Yuuji. I mean..." he sighed and reached out for my hand. "Watching you fall in love was something your mother asked me to do before she died, so I could tell her all about it when we meet again. I didn't think it was going to be so soon."


"Yuuji, you love him. I see it. And I know he loves you too."


He ignored me again. "You two ar-."

"Dad! What the fuck does Kyoutani have to do with you marrying Aoi?!" He pulled back from me. I looked down and gulped. I couldn't explain why I felt so angry about him marrying her, I just did.

After a moment or two, he spoke again. "I don't want to be alone."

I snorted. "Yeah okay. So marry the first girl you can fuck after mom dies. Sounds great to me."

"Yuuji!" He gasped at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Well what did you expect me to say huh? Oh yeah sure go on ahead and marrying her. I'm sure that'll fix all the problems in your head right?" I stood up from the table and began to walk off when one more though crossed my mind. I slowly turned back around. My heart did a little loop when I saw how sad my dad looked sitting at the table all alone, but I was so pissed off that I didn't care.

"Does she know?" He looked up at me confused so I continued. "That you think of mom when you're with her?" His silence spoke more than his words ever could. I rolled my eyes and went back to my room.

Inside my room, Kyoutani was getting dressed. I shut the door behind me, watching him tighten his belt. He looked up at me, a blood rushing to his cheeks. "Hi. You can shower now. We have a bit of time before school starts."

I nodded with a smile. I wanted nothing more than to crawl back into my own bed and sulk.

"I heard you yelling. Are you okay?"


Those three fucking words.

I swallowed hard before stepping in front of him and wrapping my arms around his body. He hummed, hugging me back. I'm still angry that's he's like an inch taller than me.

The thought make me laugh. I pulled back and looked at him. He bit his lip before leaning forward and placing a small kiss on my lips. "Please don't give me the awkward morning after speech like in those movies."

I smiled, placing a hand on his cheek and pulling him forward to kiss his forehead. "Let's write our own bad romance shall we?"

He crossed his arms. "That's exactly what they would say in the movies!"

Uh hi lol <3 happy pride month

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