Terushima (35)

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(Stan Adam for that line and that line only ^)

Anyways, been awhile I've been reading a LOT more

I just read Six of Crows and now I'm reading Crooked Kingdom.

I ordered Red, White and Royal blue. Cant wait hehe

Right so, ENJOY <3

-Terushimas POV-

Kentarou looked up at me, a worried look on his face. I stroked his cheek softly, "Don't worry baby boy, I got you." He nodded, continuing to listen to the report coming from the tv. I had hoped he would've stay asleep throughout this story, but I wasn't in luck.

When the spokeswoman said that Mr. Kyoutani had finally regained consciousness, my heart dropped. I had hoped he'd die in that house. A slow torturous death. I hoped he thought about what he had done to his son, that no one would come for him until he was nothing but bones. But of course, it didn't work out that way.

He could no longer speak nor eat normally. In the pictures and video footage they showed of him, he had tubes in him to help him eat. Doctors said they couldn't operate on him whilst he was in a coma, so they haven't been able to fix it yet, if they even can. My guess is that they'll be able to fix enough so he can eat normally, but from the description in the video, Kentarou had completely tore his voice box when he punched his jaw out of place.

"We have no reports of where his son might be, but according to Mr. Kyoutani, he was the cause of all this. He stated his son came home one evening and just immediately acted violent. Mr. Kyoutani tried to escape, but his son had been recently enlisted to the Mafia. A mafia by the name of Johzenji, lead by Izanagi Terushima."

Hearing my dad's name hurt more than it should have. I wasn't ready to face the facts. I wasn't ready to hear people talk about him now that he's no longer around.

Kentarou must have seen the sorrow on my face because he leaned up, just barely kissing my cheek. I looked down at him.

"Izanagi's group wasn't accepted by all, but up until recently, they were neutral. Izanagi stated once, 'I will not kill civilians. It is not our way.' It seems he held true to his statement until now."

Aoi was running my fathers name through the mud. She was making his group, my group, the group my parents built together, look like a laughing stock. We dont kill people. I've seen my mom kill four people, but it was for me. They had come after me when dad was out. She defended them off, leaving the house in a bloody mess afterwards.

I cried a lot. I was young, confused and scared. I was even scared of mom. When dad came home, worried,  he had hugged me against his chest so tight. My mom explained  to him what she had to do. "It's okay, Yuuji," He had told me, rubbing my head. "Mommy was protecting you."

I slept in my parents room that night. Our maids and  guards were stuck on cleaning up while they locked me away in that room. One of them was always there with me. Sometimes my mom would get up to go talk to the guards and maids, or get me something to drink. She would be so gentle, like if she touched me, I'd break. I felt that way too, but by the end of the night, I ended up snuggling between my parents, holding my dad's finger to my chest while pressed close to my mom.

"Kyoutani Kentarou has not been seen with Johzenji just yet, but we are keeping a lookout. An anonymous caller told us he may be with Terushima Yuuji, Terushima Izanagi's son. If you have seen either of these boys please call-."

I tuned out the channel and looked down at Kentarou. "I'm wanted for attempted murder," he half laughed, half sobbed. I kissed his head, squeezing him. "He turned the whole thing around."

I shook my head. "Your father is a piece of trash. He's disgusting." He shivered, wiping his new tears. I had known how to comfort him, just like back then, when it first happened.

I'm so used to physical touch. It's how I communicate. But when he went through that with his dad, I didn't know what to do. I was too conflicted. I wanted nothing more than to hug him, to fall asleep in his chest, hoping the thoughts of my dad in my arms would drift away with me.

But then I found him in the house, his dad gasping for air with his hands on Kentarou's thighs. My first thought was to rush and help him, but when I walked around and saw everything, I just couldn't. I knew Kentarou needed to get up on his own, so I waited for him to come to me.

"What're we gonna do?" He asked softly.

I shrugged. "I don't know Bonnie."

He got my reference immediately and he smiled. "Really? Bonnie and Clyde were straight and white."

I looked down at my pale skin, I've been inside for too long. "Well, we can be the Japanese version."

He pressed his forehead against my chest, listening to my heartbeat. He didn't say anything for a while. The tv played on, the news reporting on the weather forecast. It was rainy outside, but it wasn't storming terribly. Kentarous leg pressed in between mine, wrapping his arm around my body.

"I don't wanna leave you." He whispered. I opened my mouth but shut it immediately. "Yuuji, I love you."

Quietly, I whispered back. "I love you too."

And that was the end of whatever conversation he had tried to start up. I don't want him to leave, but I know it's a possibility. If they find us, if they get their hands on us, Eisuke will fight hard. And unlike us, he has people. No one will believe two kids over him. Especially if Aoi is in on it. They could easily pay to have us both put in jail.

Would that be the end of us?

I didn't want to think about it. I made sure to hold Kentarou tight. I kissed his head occasionally, dropping to his lips only once or twice. He didn't mind it, but then again, I think he was too tired to care. When we kissed, it was sloppy, a tried mess full of everything we couldn't put into words. The things we didn't need to say.


"Open up!"

Kentarou shot up first, me slowly after, not taking in the danger of our situation.

"We know you're in there! Come out without a fight and we'll have no problems."

Kentarou and I glanced at each other. I put my finger to my mouth before nodding at our clothes. Hearts pounding, we quietly, but quickly got dressed slipping on our boots and all. I glanced out the window. One cop car, meaning they weren't sure if we were actually who someone said we would be.

But who ratted us out? The lady at the counter? She's the only one that's seen us together. And she must've connected the dots. Shit.

I grabbed Kentarou's arm, dragging him over to the window. Thankfully the windows open sideways. The door behind us got banged on some more, a male, less asking and more demanding for us to come out.

I unlocked the window and slid it open. Kentarou looked at me. "Babe,"

I grabbed his cheeks. " If we don't want to run into him, we're going to have to jump to the ground. Okay?"

He nodded. It did feel like we were Bonnie and Clyde. I climbed out, holding onto the sidings of the window. My whole body screamed at me, told me not to jump, but when I looked at Kentarou's face, I thought about being separated from him. And so I jumped.

My landing sucked, I felt like every single bone in my leg had twisted, but as soon as I stood up and shook myself up, I was fine. Before I even looked up, Kentarou was done beside me. I helped him up, dusting him off a bit before we both took off toward the car. If only I had the Porsche, hell even my jeep would've been faster than this car. I miss my jeep.

"Hey!" Another cop said, stepping out of the cop car, running, and grabbing Kentarou's shoulder. I came to his side and punched him. He stumbled back and I thought we were fine, but then two pairs of hands grabbed my arms, pulling me back

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