Mad Dog (37)

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"And how old are you?"

I could feel Yuuji's eyes on me. He hadn't liked that the police had been me when they brought me in here. If it hadn't been a court room, he totally would've ripped their hands off of me. I wanted nothing more than for him to protect me, and hold me. It's been too long.

The past two weeks have been some of the most confusing days of my life. One, I was a murderer. Not actually, but per our agreement, I would plead guilty. I murdered Izanagi Terushima. And I attempted to murder my father. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to rip out my inside and toss them in the trash.

Second, I was placed in jail after saying goodbye to Yuuji. Bokuto had promised to work something out, he wanted me to be protected, but so many of the cops loved Izanagi. No way in hell we're they going to protect his murderer. However, no one messed with me. Apparently, Izanagi had been on everyone's list. They even praised me for sleeping with his son. They're disgusting. And I'm disgusted at myself for playing along.

"18." I finally answered. "I turned 18 last week."

I risked a look at Yuuji. He looked terribly sad. They had waited till I turned 18 on purpose. I was pleading guilty anyways, but this whole situation is just fucked.

I wanted to spend my birthday with Yuuji. I wanted to make endless love to him, and be pampered by him. I wanted to hear him say the words "happy birthday." I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was 9. And since that birthday, I never had the desire too. But with Yuuji, he made me believe I could want things. I wanted him.

I turned my attention back to the judge. Bokuto shifted in his seat next to me. I knew she wasn't taking Bokuto seriously. After all, he's only 17. He just inherited the company and barely passes as a lawyer. But he's trying, he's trying so fucking hard. And i will never be able to repay him for how hard he's trying.

"And how do you plead Kentarou?"

I glanced up at Bokuto. He nodded at me. I was terrified, but I looked back at the judge. My throat burned. "Guilty, your honor."

The next five minutes, my head was spinning. I was sentence to life with no chance of parole. I might as well be dead then. I wanted to throw up, I was definitely going to throw up.

"Kentarou?" My head snapped around at the voice. Yuuji was standing behind me. The rest of the audience was leaving, and the cops were coming to gather me, but when they saw Yuuji, they stepped back. Aoi may be their leader now, but Yuuji will always be in their hearts. I know that.

"Yuuji..." I started tearing up. He hopped over the stand and pulled me into his chest. My hands were still in cuffs so I just laid my head on his shoulder and sobbed. He was rubbing my back delicately. "I'm sorry." Was all I could say, over and over.

He was going to have to give up on me. I'm never getting out of here. And when I do get out, Yuuji is going to have a wife and kids. He's not going to want me. He's going to have his life figured out.

"Calm down Kentarou, calm down." He whispered into my ear.

Bokuto cleared his throat. "Nothing to see here!" He called out and I realized that some people were watching us, others were taking pictures. Finally the cops came forward, ripping me away from him. I wanted to struggle but I knew there was no point.

But instead of staying where he was as the cops dragged me away, he followed. Both Yuuji and Bokuto followed me. The cops lead us to the back room. They opened the door, shoved me in there before stepping out of the way so bokuto and Yuuji could enter.

"You have 10 minutes Bokuto. That's all the time I can buy."

Bokuto smiled at the cop. "Thank you Daichi."

The cop, Daichi, nodded before shutting the door. I was in Yuuji's arms again within seconds. My face was buried in his neck. I didn't want to leave. He was the first home I've had in such a long time.

"Okay, I'm not gonna pull you two apart, but I need you to listen to me." Bokuto spoke up, I nodded, but didn't turn my head to look at him. I kept myself buried in Yuuji's shirt.

"Alright, Mad Dog, you dont actually have to serve life in prison. So go back to being the badass I know and stop crying."

This time, I looked up, "what?"

Yuuji hands where on my face, wiping my tears. I glanced at him, his soft smile made me want to cry all over again.

"If thing go according to plan, the max you're looking at is 5. But still it depends on how fast Yuuji can collect evidence." Bokuto explained. "I know it's a lot to take in. I mean life in prison, Geez. But you're gonna be okay. I have money, connections. Yuuji has connections. A lot of cops will believe him. They do believe him."

Yuuji kissed the side of my cheek as Bokuto continued talking. "While you're in prison, you'll be protected, you'll be fed, and Yuuji will be free to visit any day of the week. I made arrangements, your cell mate is a scrawny guy who convicted tax fraud. I can try to get you your own cell, but it'll take a few months."

I looked at Yuuji. He leaned forward rubbing his nose against mine. He's so calm about this.

"Yuuji will spend his time collecting evidence against Aoi. And your dad. If we can get your dad to admit he tried to-." He stopped in his tracks, cleared his throat and ducked his head to not look at me. Yuuji had told him what happen... "Kentarou, he deserved everything you did to him in that house. I wish you would've killed him."

"I had to tell him." Yuuji said. I looked at him and nodded, pushing my body closer to his again so he would touch me. I just needed his touch, any touch.

"If your dad confesses, your case could be dropped. Izanagi was a gang leader, he killed people. He tortured people. Now this is a last result, because I don't want to throw dirt on your father name Yuuji, but if all else fails, we revert to saying you killed him because he attacked you. Okay? We could easily get people on your side, especially after your dad tried to... do that."



"I don't want to do that to your dad."

Yuuji nodded. "Yeah, me either. I'll try my hardest to set you free. I promise."

His hand stroked my cheek. And I didn't care if Bokuto was watching, I leaned forward and kissed him. My heart didn't feel as heavy as it did before. I was going to be okay. Yuuji would save me, bokuto would protect me, and we will figure this out.

I pulled away for a second to look at Bokuto, "I owe you. Big time."

"Oh please, I'm not in anything gang related, as if I would ever need your help." He laughed throwing his head back. "But thank you Kentarou."

Uh, hi <3

I saw more people were reading this and got sudden inspo to update so here hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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