Chapter 6

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More Violence now.....
some blood agian.....
some Curse words.....
A cliffhanger that you guys will hate🙂....

It has been 2 days ever since I got kidnapped and brought to this room.....I have been mostly sleeping,eating, and refusing important information from Childe....
sometimes some other people that looks like fatui diplomats goes in my room for giving Childe some informations about stuff, though I couldn't hear them....they mostly talk away from me so I could just hear gibberish and such. As I was thinking all of this another fatui diplomat came in to talk to Childe I couldn't hear them but after they talked Childe looked surprised and looked at me then dismissed the diplomat while walking towards me.

"Why are you such a target for bad guys..? Some treasure holders wants you for the bounty of your comeback and for some reason the Abyss.....?" Childe said in confusion but quite calmly. I was shocked and quite happy at the news but chose to keep my emotionless expression.

"I kinda would rather get kidnapped by the Abyss than the Fatui...." I said with my emotionless expression and my a little cold tone. Childe was just confused and just sat next to me and just accepted my response.

"That is kinda weird for you to say that but ok. I remember scaramouche told me that you made a compass appear when you snapped your fingers and just started counting then suddenly Aether appeared....? why is that?" Childe explained. I suppose it wouldn't be much of a problem if I told him because I am the only one who can decipher it and make people decipher it too if I wanted to.

"I guess you could know that information....
It is a compass to track on where Aether is...I made it so I could find him when I need him. Though I forgot how I made it and I forgot when I made it. I just knew when I saw it that I made it and its for tracking Aether...." I explained while fiddling my fingers.

"How could you forget when you made it and just started using it???" Childe asked confused.

"Fine you'll only get some information about me personally because it doesn't really matter if you knew about it. I just woke up from my years of slumber a month ago but I can only seem to remember my old friends and destruction....Nothing else I only knew the rest about me because of the help of my old friend I was just going here to meet one who I thought was dead at first but still standing in the shadows of Liyue....." I explained while my eyes are starting to tear up. Childe looked sorry in his eyes and just hugged me for comfort.


Lets go with Albedo shall we?


It has been 2 days and Y/N has yet to be found....I wonder if she is ok...I'll just ask Ningguang or Xingque who ever is close to me right now on where they had already searched.....

5 minutes of walking later......

Xingque? huh somehow he always pops up when I need him. "Hi Xingque, may I disturb you for a while? Im just gonna ask where have the Millelith already had searched?" I said while walking towards him
Kinda embarrassed on how I was acting ever since Y/N was gone. "They are searching out side but as you can see Liyue is in high security right now as for the many soldiers lingering and asking around some people, but they haven't started to search inside places yet. Some citizens had seen some two people that looked like they aren't from here. They can't really pin point where they are going, they could be still around here in Liyue, because the harbour had been strict to the things and appearance of the passengers." Xingque explained. If they haven't searched inside places yet there is still a chance that
Y/N is in one of these buildings.....
"Say Xingque.....are there some places here that are in control of the fatui...??" I asked quite interested.

The Princess of the Wilderness for the Chalk Prince( Albedo x FemReader )Where stories live. Discover now