Chapter 18

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3rd Person POV....

"So....tell me is this really necessary?" Y/N said while being tied up on a chair.

"Yeees?" Venti said unsure about what he is doing. Y/N just rolled her eyes at him for his stupid response.

"Listen, untie me this instant and I wont budge besides I wont be lonely here for long you know. Klee will just probably stay here as well" Y/N said while trying to get lose on her tied body.

"Eh.....Fine" Paimon said as she floated towards Y/N and started untying her.

"Thank you space Paimon" Y/N said with a smile as she patted Paimon's head with head pats.

"This feels nice...I should really help you more often to get more head pats" Paimon stated as Y/N just giggled.

"Hey Aether" Y/N said suddenly.

"Hm?" Aether responded.

"May I ask, Where is this person you speak of that you think can help me with my problem?" Y/N continued to ask.

"Oh that! He would be here in an hour. I have spoke to Amber one of my friends to guide him towards here since he might get lost on the way here since the city is quite big" Aether explained.

"Great! Though I wonder if he could actually get it to go" Venti said happily but still cautious about the situation.

"It is still not certain if anyone could actually get it to be gone" Zhongli stated.

"Though if someone could actually do it they would have something big in exchange. I would give them anything they want as long that it is in my power and knowledge" Y/N stated with a bright smile.

"Then it would be a competition on who would get it gone then" Venti said while giggling to himself.

A moment later there they heard the door opened and closed. They all then looked at the door and there stood Klee with a frown though it quickly changed into a bright smile with confusion on why we were there.

"I told you Klee would come in" Y/N said confidently as the others just laughed.

"What are you guys doing in here? This is-" Klee said but was cut off.

"Well They kinda grounded me for a week and so. We were also waiting for an other someone to come in." Y/N said still with a smile and a guilty laugh.

"Anyways, to make it not at all that boring. How about lets play some games to pass time" Paimon suggested.

"Heyyy! Paimon isn't as dumb after all!" Venti said jokingly.

"Hey! Paimon isn't dumb!" Paimon pouted as everyone just laughed.

A 45mins later.....

"Say Paimon, Are you an adult in a child looking like body or are you just a child?" Y/N questioned.

"Paimon doesn't know either. Paimon is just like you Y/N, Paimon can't remember or know. My past? I don't know. the first thing I remember? Paimon getting saved by Aether from drowning" Paimon explained as Y/N just nodded in response.

"Though, how could Aether take or should I say borrow? Anemo and Geo abilities with out ever welding a vision? And just to add stuff up. What is up with the diamonds on the statues, Aether's, Lumine's, Paimon's clothing? Do you guys have some kind of diamond cult or something?" Y/N mentioned.

"I don't know either about the vision thing, but the diamond stuff? Paimon can assure you we have no cult" Paimon answered.

"But now that you mention the diamond stuff. I remember the portal that the unknown god came through in was shaped like diamonds as well as the blocks that she used to get us" Aether mention while thinking hard.

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