A Little Something for My Pretty Crush

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"This is plain madness," Xiao announced, arms crossed, standing in a defensive stance.

"You cannot develop feelings for a mortal," he emphasised the word with all the hatred he could muster.

Zhongli's head lowered, the Adeptus' stating of the obvious getting on his nerves.

"She is not normal, Xiao," Zhongli said sternly. "She's... different." Xiao didn't seem to be impressed.

"Normal or not, she's still human. Do you really think you can go through that pain again?" Xiao pressed, trying not to be too harsh. Zhongli remained silent.

"You remember what happened with Lady Guizhong," Xiao's voice softened only a tad, walking over to him, "You really think you can handle it, Lord?"

Zhongli exhaled heavily through his nose. After last night's run-in with Y/N, he had returned to Xiao's room, only to be met with more grumbling regarding how his sleep was ruined and that he wasn't in the habit of sharing his bed. Paying no heed to his words, Zhongli had managed to score a good five hours' worth of sleep before his repeatedly postponed meeting with Xiao.

Later, when they had finished discussing his assignments and concerns, Zhongli told him about Y/N; the feelings pouring out one by one – like a release from the fists of a wrathful dragon. He had wanted to tell anyone who would listen; anything and everything his heart was experiencing.

He had expected this reaction from Xiao, however, his words still stung like a wasp.

"I'll manage," was all Zhongli said before angrily exiting from Xiao's chambers.

Recommended song: "unrequited love (& other clichés)" by Breakup Shoes


He pinched the bridge of his nose, a slight headache forming at the temples. He hadn't taken Guizhong's death well: no matter how much they had prepared for each other's demise – when Guizhong fell, his world had shattered.

He was aware of the pain that would follow after Y/N's passing. It was only a matter of fifty to sixty years – until he would be left all alone again.

Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he placed his hands in his pocket and walked around the Inn pavilion, collecting a few silk flowers along the way.

There was a lot to think about, a lot to consider before even harbouring the thought of pursuing Y/N. However, all that went out the window every time he saw her.

A smile appeared on his lips, remembering how she was leaning against him the previous night. He had gotten a whiff of her hair then, the smell still lingering on his shirt.

'Pathetic,' he thought to himself – an ancient God of War, so head over heels for a mortal woman.

Zhongli bundled the silk flowers in his palms, making sure not to crush them. He checked the position of the sun in the sky – almost overhead. They would be leaving soon.

You, clad in your second outfit comprising of a pair of white shorts, black knee-length boots and a lilac crop top exposing your belly, appeared on the balcony near the reception of the Inn, peering down the railing to check on your Jade cart.

Realising that it was in perfect condition, you relaxed, looking around till you spotted Zhongli, casually seated in the shade of a tree. Your eyes met and you waved, flashing a 'good afternoon' smile.

Then Came You (Zhongli x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now