A Surprise Date

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The day had finally arrived.

Gathered in Li Na's backyard, you covered the now prepped and ready Azhdaha lantern with a cloth. You placed the lantern onto a wooden table with wheels attached at the bottom. One final inspection and the work was done.

"Let's go set up at the venue," Li Na said, stretching her limbs.

Your group set out, chatting along the way till you reached Yujing Terrace, where the competition was to be held.

"Keep your eyes and ears peeled – we are in unchartered territory now," Yanfei warned. "A lot of funny business goes around here," she pointed to the other four rival groups, all of them eyeing your lantern with displeasure.

"Please talk normally," Chongyun rolled his eyes. Yanfei ignored him and continued, "I have done some research, allow me to share it with you."

"There – the ones with the butterfly-shaped lantern," she indicated east, towards a group of four heavily built men, "are the troublemakers. If they feel like their position is threatened, they will go to great lengths to terminate the opposition."

The men grunted in disgust and you gritted your teeth, silently challenging them to even try to mess with your group. "Those two over there," Yanfei motioned towards the people gathered around two lanterns, irritation lacing her voice, "are actually one team. They found a loophole in the rules and helped each other. They will divide the prize equally among themselves if either of them was to win."

"That last group is nothing to worry about. They are fine," she finished.

"How are you so informed?" you asked, revelling at the information. Yanfei smirked, puffing her chest. "I lost two nights' sleep over this but it's nothing I can't handle," she cackled and you sighed, you and Chongyun giving her an 'oh-so-done' look.

"Three million Mora is not a small sum," Li Na tsked at the two of you, patting Yanfei on the back. "Good job!" She gave her a thumbs up.

You felt a presence behind you and you cleared your throat.

"Hello Zhongli," you said, not turning around.

"How'd you know it was me?" he asked, angling his head.

"Well to be completely honest," you turned around, hands clasped behind your back, "the first couple of people I did that to were not you."

He chuckled at your words, a gentle smile on his lips. The image of him close to your face, biting that biscuit suddenly flashed in your head and a shiver snaked down your spine.

"Hello~" All your friends greeted him, smirking and giggling among themselves. Zhongli realised that you had told them about his request and judging by their reactions, he understood that they approved. He stood beside your nervous self, looking around the Terrace.

"It's packed in here," he said to no one in particular while you tried to remain calm. Every time he was near you, your senses went haywire and your brain struggled to form words. You mumbled an incomprehensive response which led him to lean towards your mouth.

"What?" he asked politely as steam poured out of your ears. You shook your head, flailing your palms articulating that you said nothing.

Zhongli couldn't stop grinning.

"Uh, guys?" Li Na's voice forced you to shift your focus from Zhongli's overwhelming presence.

"We forgot the Qingxin flowers!" She panicked, her voice quivering. "Why do you need flowers?" Chongyun asked. Li Na looked at him with horror in her eyes.

Then Came You (Zhongli x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now