A Careless Mistake

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Recommended song: "Always" by Isak Danielson


(30 minutes earlier)

Zhongli was over the moon.

He hadn't expected you to be this straightforward, given how perturbed you got every time he pulled something funny. However, when he finally heard the words he had imagined you saying in his head a thousand times, he lost control. He had wanted to kiss you right then and there, but instead, he twirled you around like a little kid.

'Why did I do that?' He covered his face with his free hand in embarrassment. His ears had turned hot and red and nothing was making sense to him, except for you.

He gazed at you side-long, your face red as well. His eyes shifted to your now intertwined hands and it was remarkable how hard you were trying to stop yourself from screaming.

Well, to be honest, so was he. He couldn't even remember the last time he was half as happy as he was at the moment.

'Just a little more time,' he consoled himself, 'and then I will tell her.'

He wasn't afraid of what your reply would be. All he had wanted was to tell you how much he loved you and that he would be willing to wait for you. After all, he literally had all the time in the world.

Then there was the issue of his true identity.

'We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.'

You reached the city gates and strolled over to the foot of the hills. You angled your head, realising that the hill was much taller and steeper than you had imagined. You tried to get a look at the top, walking backwards but you placed your heel instead of your toes and tripped on your own leg, falling rearward. However, your back hit Zhongli's warm, rock-hard chest and he placed his hands on your arms, chuckling at your clumsiness and something about that little action made you tizzy. You blushed and thanked him, leaping towards the hill to hide your agitation.

Slowly and arduously, the two of you climbed, carefully placing your hands and feet in the edges and crevices. Zhongli reached the top first, extending a hand to help you up. You clasped it tightly and pulled yourself, stumbling and placing a hand on Zhongli's chest for support. Your eyes locked and your breath hitched at his striking visage. Chest pumping, you let go of his hand and observed the space, carefully plucking the Qingxins from their roots.

"This should be enough, right?" you asked him, holding seven of the flowers in your palms.

"Indeed," he smiled, "let's head back."

You nodded, about to glide down when suddenly a shrill scream filled the air. You whirled at the sound – a woman's plea for help. One look at Zhongli and you rushed towards the source, him trailing behind.

"Help!" The woman's voice called out again, and as you hurried across the grass, you saw four Hilichurls surrounding a hunched figure, threatening her with wooden clubs.

You sucked in through your teeth, annoyed at your regular run-ins with the insidious creatures.

"Somebody help me!" The woman cried out again, voice quivering in fear. You handed the flowers to Zhongli, bidding your claymore. The Hilichurls noticed your arrival and charged towards you, abandoning the woman. One swing of your weapon and the lifeless bodies of the monsters fell on the ground.


The woman uncurled from her position with Zhongli's help and immediately grasped his hands.

"Thank you so much, my prince!"

Your jaw almost touched the ground.

"I am a foolish, weak lady who thought that it would be a good idea to watch the Lantern Rite from Mt. Tianheng," she put a hand to her chest, "but then I was attacked by these creatures," she grasped Zhongli's coat. A vein popped in your forehead at the sight.

'Wasn't she just scared out of her life? And now she's trying to flirt with him?'

"How sweet of you to save this poor wench's life and bring her flowers!" She noticed the Qingxins in his hand, and Zhongli awkwardly tried to back away.

"I saved you!" you exclaimed, pointing to yourself only to be completely ignored.

"Oh, how can I ever repay such a fine-looking man such as yourself?" she whined dramatically. You took a deep breath, walking towards the loud-mouth, and placed yourself between her and Zhongli.

"You're welcome," your eye twitched as you threw her a smile that didn't reach your eyes. She tilted her head and pouted, placing a finger on her chin.

"Who are you?"

'Is she testing my patience?'

"If you really want to pay me back," you emphasized, "why don't you rush along to Yujing Terrace and deliver these flowers to a pink-haired woman who answers to the name 'Yanfei'?" you cocked your head, eyes blank.

Zhongli caught onto your protective stance and his eyes widened, unable to hold in his grin.

'Is she... jealous?' he thought to himself, covering his mouth with his free hand.

"If that is how I can repay this handsome gentleman, then sure!" She fawned over Zhongli, taking the flowers from his hand and with that, the odd, coquettish woman made her exit.

You stabbed the insides of your cheek with your tongue, remarking at how dense some people could be. Zhongli chuckled and you realised how close you were standing to him.

"We haven't even been on a proper date yet; however, you are already so protective of me," he teased and you blushed, hitting his arm for uttering nonsense.

Zhongli laughed loudly, and you smiled; his behaviour now was much different than when you had first met him – he seemed freer. Someone with no worries in the world. You exhaled heavily through your nose, a jittery feeling overtaking your senses.

"I suppose we should–"

The ground trembled.

A snarl ripped out from the woods, followed by the sound of shuffling feet. Your eyes enlarged as you counted the bodies of the Hilichurls on the grass – three.

The fourth one had escaped, and you hadn't noticed.

Zhongli looked at you gravely. It seemed that he read your thoughts.

"The one who fled... it brought back more of its companions," he said, as one by one, countless Hilichurls of all shapes and sizes poured out.

Rock Shield Hilichurls, Rock Shieldwall Mitachurls, Geo Samachurl, Pyro grenadiers and Hilichurl shooters. And in the back, towering over them with glowing eyes stood the Hilichurl Chieftain – the Stonehide Lawachurl.

You involuntarily gulped. You had never fought a Stonehide Lawachurl before but from the tales you had heard, it was a formidable opponent.

The first thought that popped into your head was to run away and call for help, but your teacher, Uncle Li's words loomed in the distance.

"Someone who turns their back at a potential threat is not fit to be called a soldier."

You straightened. Looking over to Zhongli, you said, "It's not safe to let them roam around so close to the city borders," he listened calmly, "even if we were to retreat, by the time we returned with more manpower, they would change their location and maybe strike Liyue from somewhere else." You curled your fists.

"It's a risk we can't afford to take."

"Then I suppose," Zhongli tightened his gloves, "we should get to it."

(To be continued)

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